# 100 - Clarisse and Will

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Will was 10 years old when he went to camp half blood which was weeks before Percy got there.

Clarisse was 14 years old at the time with 10 years at camp in her name. She was chosen to look after him and help him around camp.

She was very reluctant at first but Will soon won her over in less than 2 hours.

She started to teach him things and caring for him. She became very overprotective of him fighting any demigod who messed with him.

They grew to have a very close sibling-like relationship with each other. Tho a lot of times Clarisse acted more like Will's parental figure. Which he needed since his Mother is very busy being a singer.

Nickname for each other.
Will's for Clarisse is 'Evie'.
Clarisse's for Will is 'Andy'.

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