Chapter 1

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Hi wattpadders! This is my first story so please don't judge and give my story a chance. Comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!!! :)

Chapter 1

I willed myself not to cry as we drove away from our perfect little town in New York.

I know I know, most people think New York is loud and obnoxious.

Don't get me wrong certain parts are but not where we live, or lived. We had lived in a quaint little town in the suburbs, far away from all the noise and craziness.

It was perfect.

All the neighbors knew each other like the back of their hand and treated each other as family. It was one of those neighborhoods where you could knock on your neighbors door to borrow sugar and not worry about getting shot.

I remember every week someone would host a dinner and everyone would go and eat. The kids usually ate outside because there wasn't enough room and so they could play afterwards, while the adults ate inside and talked about things like politics.

I miss our town already, I thought as we pulled into the airport parking lot. My dad paid the cab driver and we dragged our luggage inside.

My name is Jessica Green and I am seventeen years old. I have long brown hair and green eyes. I sometimes think it's odd that my eyes are green and my last name is too. I'm average height, well maybe a little short depending on what you consider five feet and four inches.

I have a nineteen year old brother named Brandon, a mom named Hailey, and a dad named Sam.

The plane ride was pretty short, only about two and a half hours. Florida was so hot, I was practically sweating even before I got outside to face the sun.

"Sit down guys" my dad told my brother and I as he and my mom walked over to the rental car desk. I nodded and walked over to a vacant bench before pulling out my phone and seeing if I had any missed calls or messages.

I had three new text messages from all my old friends saying they missed me and hoped my flight was good. I forwarded the same message to each one of them that said "Thanks hope to see you soon."

Eventually, we got a rental car and pulled into the driveway of some house we were now supposed to call "home." It wasn't too big, only four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The house was tan and brown with palm trees lining the front, it was quite pretty actually.

And apparently the high school I was going to be attending for twelfth grade was just ten minutes away. There was no U-Haul truck in the driveway or any furniture waiting to be unpacked because my parents had come a few days earlier and fixed up the furniture like our beds and couches so it wasn't too much of a hassle. All my brother and I had to do was unpack little things and put our clothes away.

I wasn't hungry since I ate on the plane, so I started walking around the house and checking it out. When I found my room I decided to start unpacking early and ripped open a bunch of boxes.

When I had gotten about halfway done I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I whispered since I assumed everyone was asleep.

It was my mom, she started looking around and her eyes soon stopped on me.

"Go to sleep now its getting late, you can finish up tomorrow honey."

"Okay" I replied as she kissed me on the forehead and left quietly shutting the door behind her.

I changed and brushed my teeth then crawled into bed and said my prayers. As I was worrying about how school was starting in only two days I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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