Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up to the smell of waffles coming from downstairs.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom to brush my pearly whites when I walked into the door.

I thought it was just gonna open when i pushed on it but someone else was in there.

A very amused looking Brandon came out with a smirk on his face. "Wow first day at our new house and already trying to break things, little sister?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up" I muttered and pushed past him into the bathroom.

I heard him laughing as he walked towards his room and locked the door.

I brushed my teeth and flew downstairs hunting for my waffles on the table. When I didn't find any I started to panic "Um mom where's my waffles?"

"Well, it looked like you weren't waking up any time soon so I decided not to make you any" she said.

"Oh" was all I could say to resist the urge of snapping on the women, she knew his much I loved my waffles.

"I'm just playing with you baby, your foods on the stove" she said chuckling slightly.

I raced over to the stove and grabbed my food and quickly scarfed it down. I decided I would finish all my work early so I could go out and check out the new neighborhood.

I finished unpacking in less than two hours and looked around my room. It looked exactly the same as my old room which sort of made me feel like I was still there.

I brushed my hair into a pony tail since my hair was looking like a brown jungle, and threw on a T-shirt and some shorts with some sandals.

"Mom I'm going out" I called out to her as I walked out into the garage.

"OK don't stay out for too long you have school tomorrow remember?"

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' sound.

I hopped onto my bike and started riding around. The neighborhood looked like something out of a movie. All of the lawns were perfectly manicured with white picket fen-

No there were no white picket fences I lied. But the neighborhood did seem nice and quiet there was even a lake in the front of the community where you could go fishing. I rode around some more and got hungry so I started turning back.

When I got home I ate a sandwich and then went up to my room. I put some notebooks and pens into my bag that I'd be using tomorrow and decided to pick out my outfit in the mean time as well.

I settled with a long sleeved, green Abercrombie shirt and black skinny jeans with black converse. I had always liked the particular shirt because it made my eyes pop even more than usual.

I resorted to watching television for the rest of the afternoon and listening to music.

I began to get nervous that I wouldn't be able to find my classes and I wouldn't have any friends and a million other thoughts whizzed through my brain makeing my anxiety grow bigger.

That night I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Well no, I wished I had dreamt less.

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