Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Wake up, Wake up, Wake up" my mom shook me softly.

I grunted in response and pulled up the covers higher, only to have them ripped off me and replaced with the harsh morning air.

"Ughhh" I whined, "Five more minutes."

"No you already overslept, school starts in forty minutes and you still have to report to the principals office to receive your schedule."

"Fine" I mumbled annoyed to have been woken up.

As I was brushing my teeth my memories slowly started returning to me. I had dreamt that I was at school and there was a zombie apocolypse. The hallways were empty with paper scattered all over the floor. There was no one in sight and when I had finally found the science classroom, a group of zombies had goggles on and were conducting an experiment.

I just stood there and watched in amazement until they started advancing upon me. I split out of there so fast that the fat slobs didn't even have a chance of catching me. But when I finally reached outside they were all already there.

And right at that moment was when I was woken up.

I shuddered thinking about the possibilities of what they could have done to me.

I dragged my feet to the bathroom and took a shower. The hot water washed away any traces of sleepness. I wanted to stay in here forever.

Fortunately, my hair was cooperating today, so I wore it down. Then I threw on the clothes I laid out and grabbed my bag heading downstairs. I had twenty minutes before school started so i grabbed a granola bar and headed out.

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad" I yelled out closing the front door behind me.

Because it was the first day of school Brandon (my brother) was dropping me off for the beginning days then he was going job hunting. Before we had left our town, he looked up places needing staff so he had a couple of interviews today.

I entered the car, ready to rip my granola bar open when-

"What do you think you're doing?" Brandon asked with a disgusted look on his face.

"Eating breakfast."

"Not in my car your not" he said in a flat tone.

"But I'm not gonna have time to eat when reach there."

"Ok so walk."

"No just drive."

We drove to school in silence. It was quicker than I thought only a five minute drive. When I got outside I grabbed my bag and was trying to open my granola at the same time and ended up face planting on the sidewalk.

My brother cackled and drove away. 


"Need help there?" somebody asked.

I looked up to see the most beautiful brown eyes staring down at me.

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