Chapter Four

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I laid in bed that night, struggling to fall asleep. I tossed and turned, but to no avail. I just couldn't close my eyes and fall asleep.

My mind was filled with thoughts of Hurricane.

Endless thoughts of her circled my mind and I couldn't get enough of it. She fascinated me in so many different ways.

And yet, Buck wouldn't even let me talk to her again.

If only he gave me the opportunity to get to know her better, but I knew he wasn't willing to do that either.

Everything was hopeless.

I wish I knew why I suddenly had these strong feelings for a Toon, because I knew for a fact that I definitely didn't know Hurricane well enough to even consider her the love of my life. But I couldn't help but think... I've mainly considered myself a part of the Toons all my life. Yes, I was built as a Cog, but my world fit with the Toons.

What hurt was that they wouldn't accept me. Regardless, I never had any ill intentions towards my enemies at all, even when I worked back at my precious Musical Master of Melody.

People just didn't understand that popularity didn't cure my loneliness. I needed someone to care for me and love me romantically.

What Buck didn't understand was that platonic friendships just wouldn't cut it.

I sighed and pulled my blanket over myself, covering my body entirely. I closed my eyes once again, hoping to clear Hurricane from my mind.

But I just couldn't.

Every time I drifted off into my dreams, I would have hazy thoughts about her. I had visions about me getting super close to her, creating heat between our bodies, my hand reaching out and gently caressing her head, which was something I always did to every Toon back at my old job after being defeated. However, with her, this would feel way more intimate. Something about Hurricane deeply fascinated me, but I just couldn't figure out what it was. And it was all thanks to Buck that I couldn't talk to her again.

I suddenly shot up from bed, feeling all sweaty. I couldn't take this. I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep any time soon if all I could ever think about was Hurricane.

I slowly climbed out of bed and walked down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to refresh myself. To my surprise, the kitchen light was already on and Buck was sitting at the dining table, sipping his own glass of water and solemnly staring into space.

I walked over to him. "Buck...? What are you doing up?"

He snapped out of his trance and looked at me tiredly. "Wath thirthty for whatever reathon in the middle lf the night and woke up to drink thome water. I could athk you the thame thing."

"I just... actually needed to get water as well when I noticed you were just sitting here, sipping your water on your own by yourself. Is something wrong, babe?"

Buck sighed. "Lithen, I'm really thorry for the way I acted thith evening. I jutht... I felt inthecure knowing that you didn't even want my thupport or my friendthhip all becauthe you wanted Hurricane..."

"I do want your friendship and support, okay?" I replied, feeling disappointed. "You wouldn't understand, but romantic relationships aren't the same as platonic relationships. Romantic relationships are more intimate and loving compared to platonic relationships which are simply just casual friendships. Haven't I ever told you how I've felt lonely all my life despite having countless fans when we had our old job back at C.O.G.S Incorporated in Cog Nation? Life in California is even worse right now because nobody even sees me for the popular star performer I am... or used to be... but regardless, popularity doesn't fix what I'm dealing with, and neither does a simple friendship."

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