sister (part 2)

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It's now present day in the early morning. Travis had moved in with the Swifts, but he's pretty busy with football practice and games.

It was only Taylor and her two daughters at home right now. Since Avery had her 3 month check up today, Taylor had to take Y/n with her.

As of right now, they were in the car on the way to the doctor's appointment. Y/n was busy watching YouTube meanwhile Taylor was caring for Avery.

"Y/n, I want you to hold onto me very tight. I don't want you to get lost because you're not paying attention." Taylor said to her oldest. "Okay mama." Y/n responded.

Once they arrived to the doctor Taylor rushed out the car with Avery's car seat covered in a blanket. Along with Y/n clinging onto her leg, with her teddy bear in her hand. She made sure she had a strong grip on it because she didn't want to get in trouble for losing it

So far everything was going well.

Well...until Y/n dropped her teddy bear. She immediately let go of Taylor's leg to retrieve it. She ran to get her precious teddy bear and then pulled it close to her chest.

Then she turned around to go run back to Taylor, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Mama? Where are you?" Y/n called out for her mother. Truth is the little girl was scared, she didn't know where her mom went.

A brunette girl around her late teens saw her alone and walked up to her. She kneeled down to her height and gave her a small smile to not scare her.

"Hi sweetheart, where's your mommy?" Y/n was asked by the teenager. She had tears welling up in her eyes from all fright. The blonde girl just shook her head no.

The brunette looked around to see if anybody was looking for the 4 year old. "My name's Emma, what's your name?" Emma asked Y/n.

"Y/n." The little girl said quietly.

"Do you know your mommy's name?" The teen asked.

Y/n knew that her mom had a name. That it wasn't mommy or mama, but she couldn't quite remember. Until a certain name popped up in her mind. Her mom's name was Taylor.

"Taylor." Y/n told Emma. All she wanted was to go back home with her mom. "Okay, we can look around for her." Emma said, she then held her hand out for Y/n to hold. The blonde girl was hesitant, but she had to go with Emma if she wanted to find Taylor.

They searched around the streets for any sign of Taylor, but they find anyone who had seen her.

After a while they came face to face with a fan who immediately recognized Y/n. She didn't know why she was with the teen, but didn't think much of it. Then Emma came up to her.

"Hi, excuse me? We're trying to look for this little one's mom. She got lost. Her mom's name is Taylor, she's blonde with bangs and blue eyes." Emma asked the fan, based on the information Y/n had told her. Of course the brunette knew who Taylor Swift was, but she didn't think much of it. She just wanted to get Y/n back to her mom who coincidentally was Taylor.

"Wait is her name Y/n Swift?" The fan asked. It was either the fan had mistaken her or it was her.

The 4 year old's head perked up when she heard her name. She nodded her head to the fan.

"You mean Y/n Swift, like Taylor Swift's daughter?" Emma asked the fan. She didn't know she had been walking around with THE Taylor Swift's daughter.

"Yeah that's her. We saw Taylor walk in the doctor, when we were walking by." The fan told them.

"Oh my God, thank you so much. We've been trying to find her for almost an hour now." Emma explained to the fan, who then told them where she had last seen Taylor. They then walked over to the doctor's office and into the building.

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