In A Sea Of Distress | TSAMS Oneshot

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Characters: Eclipse, The Animatronic Person (You can interpret who the person might be! :D)


Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort

(Btw, my brother and I made some sibling teamwork! ;D ENJOY!)


(Written by me; Some adjustments by my older brother)

Eclipse was thrown in without any warning, as if in a turbulent sea shaped by voices, and the waves of them crashed against his body, a wave of emotions and thoughts that drilled insistently in his brain.

The hum of machines fell silent, the jumbled voices, all of which with their muffled volume only served as a backdrop for his own thoughts, crowded into his acoustic sensors all at once.

It was too overwhelming. He felt his cold, shaking hands press against his head in a desperate attempt to silence the voices. But they persisted, a spectacle of different emotions, expressions and volumes.

He wasn't interested in the content or what they had to say. Why should he? Was he supposed to listen while his own thoughts jumped into the chaos, adding to the feeling of being pressured by everyone? He's not stupid, and he certainly won't care about other people's wishes if no one else even notices HIS wishes.

He felt a coating of cold settle against his body and the hinges that allowed him to move his body tensed. Although the cold clung to his body like a new, annoying layer, his inner conflict eclipsed it.

Why were there so many voices here, so many sensations?

He felt his hands pressing more and more against his head - More and more desperate, exposing his need for just a moment of silence to sort out and solve his own thoughts as if they were an annoying puzzle.

He hated standing like a scared puppy and feeling so...scared and confused. The feeling of patheticness was brought back to the forefront of his complex and turbulent mix of emotions as his stomach felt like it was twisting in knots.

He hated it SO much.

His body leaned forward more and more as his metal parts slammed into each other and shifted. It crunched and rattled like a dying crow. Kind of amusing. He could understand the crow why it died. He felt like he was about to die.

Then, his whole body contracted as if it had taken on a life of its own and was no longer listening to him. It seemed like an escape reaction. And then realized why his body wanted to escape. His whole body was shaking.

Every one of his limbs felt so heavy and he feared he was going to collapse. Not now. His hinges, ignoring his inner pleas, tightened more and more, a grinding signal that his legs would soon give out.

Why is he so pathetic? Why is everything out of his control, why can't he influence anything? Why can't he influence HIMSELF?

And then, a bead of sweat strolled down his face, like a penetrating force that betrayed the shiny orange paintwork sullied beneath the dirty and dusty coat. As the bead of sweat hung on the edge of his faceplate, his elbow hinges also gave way. His hands, pressed tightly against his head, slowly trailed down from his face until they hung lifeless along with his guiding arms in an act of pain.

And then - with a final jerk - his entire body collapsed, colliding with the ground. Immediately, another hit of cold penetrated him and the trembling of his body became more pronounced, causing him to curl into more of a pitiful ball.

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