Ch. 1 In the Beginning

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"Jordan!!!" I hear my boss yell from behind some boxes across the room, "we need you to take these samples down the block!"

"Yes ma'am," I reply then quickly apologize. I'm from the south, and always seem to forget to leave my manors when I travel to New York for the summer.

I quickly fold the shirt in my hand and head off to find which box Kim is hiding behind now. I find a box with an address written on the top as I reach the spot her voice came from earlier, so I pick it up and head for the escalator. As I start down I hear her yell for me to pick up some more coffee, too.

My job is fun, but very demanding and stressful. I work for a clothing company, running all the errands for the people above me.

I manage to drop the box off at the address and get to the coffee shop in one piece, but getting out is another story.

Just as I pick up the tray of lattés my phone vibrates with another demand from Kim. In stressed annoyance, I open the message and turn for the door. Sadly, there's a man in my path and I run right into him, spilling the coffee everywhere.

"I'm so sorry!" I say as I look up, knowing this was going to be bad. Strangely, the man isn't mad at all. He actually cracks a smile as he pulls his drenched shirt away from his body and says "Wo, I hope you don't text and drive, that could be disastrous!"

Embarrassed even more now that I realize he's extremely good-looking, I feel my self blush.

"Don't worry about it," I hear him say, "Did you get any on you?"

"Yeah, on my arm. It's okay though," I reply, stunned at how nice he was. He's now wearing three lattés because of me and he's concerned about if I had any on me. Who is this guy I wondered, but my phone buzzed again and I knew I didn't have time to find out.

"I'm really sorry," I say again as he hands me some napkins.

"Don't worry about it. Shit happens," he adds with a smile as he begins to pick up the lids that had bounced off of his chest minutes before. As we're cleaning the mess, my phone buzzes again and again.

I feel him look at me after the second time so I quickly glance up, smile, and return to wiping up coffee, not quite sure how to talk to him. With every glance he becomes more and more attractive.

We finally manage to clean everything up and I order another tray full of lattés.

I apologize again and thank him as I start towards the door. He opens the door for me and gives me another smile. This one seems more meaningful, like there's something behind it - something he wants to know, or say, or do.

Not knowing what to say, I once again look into his dark eyes that seem so captivating. Trying not to seem weird, I say "Thanks," and move through the door.

I reach for my phone as I hear him say "Hey, you be careful out there. No texting and driving, huh?"

I turn to see him standing with a huge smile, so I return the gesture and say "You got it!" He chuckles and allows the door to shut.

A few steps later I glance back and see him soaking the light black color out of his, once white, T-shirt. I smile at the view, and continue my journey back to work.

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