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Ignore the mistakes pls


After the interview, Taehyung felt a sense of relief and optimism as he had finally secured a job.

He went to his parents to discuss his financial situation, as he needed to purchase some household items to support himself and his daughter and yeah Jungkook too :)

His parents inquired about the need for money and also inquired about Jungkook's situation.

Taehyung explained that he wanted to buy some household items and preferred not to burden Jungkook, as he felt Jungkook already had to spend a lot.

In reality, Taehyung rarely asked Jungkook for money, only occasionally for groceries and essentials for Aeri.

His parents handed over the money without hesitation, and Taehyung was able to head back home with the groceries in hand.


Upon his return, he found Jungkook lounging on the couch, engrossed in the TV.

Taehyung was surprised, as he had never known Jungkook to be such a homebody during the day.

Taehyung entered the house without informing Jungkook of his whereabouts, but Jungkook didn't seem to mind and didn't bother to ask.

As Taehyung began to put away the groceries in the kitchen, he noticed that Jungkook was still lounging on the couch, seemingly uninterested in his return.

Taehyung walked over to where Jungkook was sitting and asked, "Did Aeri wake up?" Jungkook lifted his head and responded, "Yes, I gave her some banana milk and managed to calm her down. She was crying a lot and looking for you."

"Oh," was all Taehyung said before hurriedly making his way to the bedroom to check on her.

Taehyung entered the room and found Aeri sleeping peacefully.

He carefully covered her with a small blanket and then headed to the bathroom to freshen up.


The next day

Taehyung woke up and took a bath with his daughter, Aeri, in the bathroom.

Then he changed into comfy clothes and dressed his daughter in cozy clothes as well.

After having breakfast, he kept some for Jungkook since he said he wasn't hungry and would eat later.

Jungkook was still asleep on the couch, lying on his stomach.

Taehyung was going to take Aeri with him, as the school he was going to teach at also had a kindergarten, and he was going to admit her there.

He thought it would be convenient for both of them if his daughter was close by.

He left for his work feeling a bit nervous, as it was his first day.


"Welcome, Jeon Taehyung, your daughter is so pretty, just like you," Mrs. Johnson inquired while smiling at Aeri, who was in Taehyung's arms.

"Thank you, ma'am," Taehyung replied with a warm smile.

"Wait here, I'll call Hojin, he'll show you to your class," Mrs. Johnson said while picking up the phone from the desk.

"Wait, ma'am, first I have to leave her in her classroom. I'll be back again," Taehyung said.

"Oh, yes, okay then, I'll wait," Mrs. Johnson said.

"Thank you, ma'am," with that, Taehyung left from there and walked out of the school building.

A vast garden stretched out opposite the school building, where a kindergarten for young children could be seen.

Taehyung walked over, carrying his daughter in his arms, and gently handed her over to one of the teachers.

It wasn't easy for him to leave her there, as she cried and desperately clung to him, not wanting to let go.

It was then that Taehyung asked the teacher to distract Aeri with something, then he quickly left after telling the teacher to take good care of her and to call him if she cried a lot.


Once again, Taehyung entered Mrs. Johnson's office, and she quickly called for Hojin to come there.

As they were waiting, Hojin arrived.

Taehyung noticed a young man, around 23 or 24 years old, approaching the door. Mrs. Johnson granted him permission to enter the room.

"Hojin, he's our new English teacher, Jeon Taehyung" Mrs. Johnson said, motioning towards Taehyung.

"Could you please show him to his class?"

Taehyung looked at Hojin, who was already smiling at him.

"Shall we go, Tae ?" Hojin said, still smiling.

"Yeah," Taehyung smiled back.

"All the best, Taehyung," Mrs. Johnson said with a smile. Taehyung thanked her and left the office room with Hojin guiding him.


"So, you're new here," Hojin questioned as they walked through the school corridor.

"Yes, I am," Taehyung replied feeling uncomfortable as Hojin checked him out, staring at him from head to toe.

"And what do you do here?" Taehyung spoke again, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm also a teacher here. I'm the math teacher," Hojin replied as they had reached the classroom by now.

"Oh, wow," Taehyung smiled at Hojin as they stood at the classroom door.

"Yes, ma'am, shall we go inside?" Hojin spoke teasingly.

Taehyung only nodded.

The classroom buzzed with activity as numerous children filled the space, and this was the energized domain of Class 4.

"Everyone, keep quiet!" Hojin shouted a bit to catch the kids' attention, and in no time, everyone was silent, seeming to fear Hojin.

"So, he's Jeon Taehyung, your new English teacher," Hojin introduced, while gesturing his hands towards Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled softly while looking at the students.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung, your new English teacher. I'm here to help you all become better English speakers and writers. I'm looking forward to working with each of you and making this class a positive and productive experience," Taehyung said warmly.

The students greeted him with a chorus of "Welcome to our class, sir."

"Thank you, everyone," Taehyung replied with a smile.

"Okay so handle the class, tae, I'll meet you in lunch time." As Hojin left the classroom, Taehyung nodded in agreement.

He didn't question Hojin's request to meet at lunch, but he was curious about the reason behind it.

"Great, let's get to know each other a bit better," Taehyung said as he moved to the first row of students.

"Why don't we start right here?"


To be continued...

Betrothal | Taekook ( 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now