Demon of the Mist

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Fuck original dialogue! I'll do it from memory or if I decide that a certain word fits it better. And if you're confused or I make any mistakes please bear with me I'm multilingual but the struggles are somehow worse😭

"Is he wearing cow prints? That's a fashion no-no." Mira whispered. Sasuke looked at her increduously.

"Well well well..." Zabuza crooned, "If it isn't Copy Ninja Kakashi..."

"If it isn't the rogue ninja of Kirigakure Demon of the Mist... Zabuza Momochi." Kakashi grinned itching to fight, "It's been a while... Stay out of this fight kids!"

Naruto and Sasuke were about to protest until they saw the bloodthirsty glints on both men.

"Take up the Five Point Formation!" Sasuke commanded, taking his place near Tazuna.

Mira took a spot near Tazuna's rear, only for Sasuke to drag her to the front scaring her, "Please don't tell me you're new to this. Only sensors stay at the back." He sighed, "Your place is at the front. Yua, Naruto, at the back and Sakura come to the front."

Naruto didn't really like having someone boss him around but did so anyway. It did look like Sasuke knew what he was talking about.

Yua moved quickly but kept her eyes glued to the scene in front of her. The interaction between Kakashi and Zabuza didn't look at all like they were enemies; but perhaps battle hungry old friends. Maybe this was how it felt in the anime? Yua couldn't really tell.

Meanwhile, Mira was too scared for her own life to notice anything. She could die here and the rest of the team could move on with their lives unbothered.

Sakura noticed Mira's apprehension, and put a hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her, "Get yourself together. If we die here because of you, I'll never forgive you." She said coldly.

Sasuke almost snorted in agreement. He noticed Mira's nervousness but didn't care enough to say anything.

Zabuza jumped down from his spot on the tree, lunging toward Kakashi with his sword raised high.

Kakashi swiftly dodged his attack, effortlessly flipping over Zabuza and landing behind him. "Not bad, Zabuza. But I've seen better," Kakashi taunted, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Zabuza growled, gripping his sword tightly, and charged at Kakashi with even more intensity. The clash of their blades echoed through the forest as their fight intensified.

As they exchanged blows, Yua and Mira noticed something, Zabuza didn't set the mist as they saw he did in the anime. It was then that she saw that the the two weren't even aiming to kill. And surely, Sasuke noted this as well. If the weren't trying to kill each other, then what the actual fuck, were they trying to do?

"Are they seriously just testing each other's skills?" Mira whispered in awe.

"It seems like it," Yua replied, her eyes fixed on the battle.

"They're not holding back, but they're not going for the kill either." Sasuke observed.

Naruto huffed in frustration. "What's the point of fighting if they're not trying to finish each other off?"

Sakura remained silent, analyzing their fighting styles. It was clear that Kakashi was the more experienced and skilled fighter. Zabuza was putting up a good fight, but it seemed like he was mostly trying to gauge Kakashi's strengths and weaknesses.

Tazuna just stood in the middle of their casual conversation gobsmacked, his life was possibly in danger and these six, treated it like it was tea time? What was it about play fighting he was hearing? But he couldn't say anything about it if he wanted to return home safe and not in a body bag.

Suddenly, the fight between Kakashi and Zabuza became more like petty child's play? If one were to describe it.

Their movements became less fluid and more erratic, as if they were intentionally making mistakes and leaving openings for each other. It was almost comical to watch.

"Are they... messing around?" Mira asked, bewildered.

"I don't know, but this doesn't make any sense," Sakura replied, scratching her head.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, trying to understand their motives. "They must have a reason for this... It's like a game to them."

Naruto crossed his arms, getting impatient. "Well, they better wrap it up soon! I want to see some real action."

Yua sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "I don't know what they're playing at, but it's clear that Kakashi has the upper hand."

The battle continued, with Kakashi dodging and countering Zabuza's attacks effortlessly. It was obvious that Zabuza was struggling, unable to land any significant blows on his opponent.

Then, without warning, Kakashi disarmed Zabuza and held his kunai to his throat, the victory clear in his eyes. "Checkmate," he said with a smirk.

Zabuza chuckled, the threat of death not affecting his calm demeanor. "Impressive, Kakashi."

Kakashi released him and stepped back, a satisfied grin on his face, "Nice to see you again... old friend."

"OLD FRIEND?!" The team yelled. Even Yua was unable to hold back her surprise.

"Yep," Kakashi replied nonchalantly, as if it was the most casual thing in the world. "We go way back."

"But... but you were just trying to kill each other!" Mira stuttered, still in disbelief.

Zabuza smirked, wiping a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. "That's how we say 'hello' in our world."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, suspicion creeping into his voice. "If you're friends, then why did you attack us?"

Zabuza's smirk widened. "Just testing your skills. Wanted to see what you've got before we welcomed you to the real world of shinobi." He then continued, "Come on out. Haku."

'Haku? Why is he showing up this early?' Yua thought confused.

'What is happening?' Mira and Yua thought in unison.

The leaves rustled and an androgynous figure appeared. The masked Haku bowed respectively, attire swayed with breath he took.

"This is Haku. My subordinate." Zabuza told the others. "We are here to warn and help you with the dangers that lie ahead."

Yua seemed skeptical, but felt bold enough and asked, "Why are you doing this? What are you getting out of this?"

Kakashi giggled creepily and Zabuza silently rolled his eyes, "Let's just say... I owe your sensei one."

The rest rolled their eyes knowing that they would never get a straight answer from these fools. "WHATEVER JUST TELL US WHY YOUR HERE!" Naruto questioned.

Zabuza laughed humorlessly and even Haku's shoulders were shaking. Then, the two turned serious.

"From what we've gathered so far, there have been rumors of an incredibly powerful ninja in Gato's unruly group of men." Zabuza informed. "And of course, being the kind man I am, we are here to help you and ensure your survival." He haughtily finished.

Ignoring his condescending tone, the team shared looks of agreement. Naruto and Sasuke accepted with hesitant nods.

"Lead the way." Haku said kindly, appearing next to Tazuna.

The bridge builder jumped startled at the sudden movement; before regaining his bearings. "W‐we should be reaching my home in a few."

Tazuna led the group, still in a state of disbelief at the bizarre turn of events. As they made their way through the dense forest, the team couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and unease. The presence of Zabuza and Haku, who were once their enemies, now working alongside them was unnerving.

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