You looked back at me once but i looked twice..

89 0 3

science class. mrs blainely .





"I'm here, I guess."



"Guess she isn't here again.."

My plan worked. Princess julia won't be here for the next few days.

Why do I care so much about julia?

Well, she is not the honeybun, perfect A + student you think she is. She is more like those dogs who attack you for no reason. Cause that's what she did to me and that poor girl. How much you wanna bet she attacked almost all the girls who don't follow her lead like her servents.

Mrs. blainelys Phone rang. We don't know Mrs. blainelys last name. We just call her by her first, and she must be embarrassed about it or something.

She must be embarrassed that she teaches science where only like 4 people care about school.

"MK front office, now."

What now! I didn't  do anything wrong? I was sitting here the whole lesson? Told you she's embarrassed she tryna get rid of me so she can actually teach kids who care? Yeah, good luck with that.

I grab my bag, and my sweater I stole from my brother. My brother really sucks at standing up for himself. Not only does he leave stuff on the floor, but I can easily take it and use it. He also has no idea how to talk back. He'll end up crying or just giving in and letting me win the argument, and no gaslighting is needed.

It's that easy.

I don't even bother to ask her why I need to go to the front office. The whole class is staring at me with the occasional "ooohh.." From the "popular boys" from the back, that clearly don't wear deodorant. Oh, and did I mention it's pretty easy to just steal stuff from them.

I stole that wannabe steamer camera on more than one occasion, zees last sodas, and rippers full backpack before.

Yeah, they are that oblivious. They think there all that, but I can say one thing, I'm always 5 steps ahead of them.

The first step is I actually wear deodorant.

I walk out of the class, shutting the door behind me. Why would I need to go to the office again? Julia isn't here, so how can she report me? Hah! I beat she just got her dad to do it. Hopefully, my dad is picking me up, I can't stay here any longer..

"Hey! Do you know where room 156 is?" I hear a voice say from behind me.

I do. I don't wanna say it, though, because whoever she is dosent not wanna go to that science class.I turn over, and I see a girl with a bright yellow sweater and bright yellow hair.


"Yeah... just go behind and um turn left.. 3rd door."

The girl smiles.

"Thanks! The name is emma!"

"Yeah.. I'm mk.."

She smiles and mouths the words "Thank you, mk!" Before turning behind her and continuing to take a left. Thank gosh, she is out of my sight. Who even was that, I don't think I ever heard of an Emma before, I know everyone and everything at this huge school, but I guess not whoever that was..

I walk down the stairs and into three huge empty hallways, walking past classes as I hear random kids yelling.

Now that's hilarious.

I walk up to the front office door, and i open it, i look up, and i approach the front desk lady. She's an old woman, people call her grandma hatchet instead of of Mrs hatchet why? I have no idea.

"Yo! Um, my teacher told me to go down here."

the old lady looks up at me and smiles.

"May I have your name and your ID number, dear?"

I hate it when people call me dear, what are we in a relationship?  Actually, let's not think of that...? I sigh.

"Mary kate, 571869." I rest my arm on the front desk watching her put in the numbers slowly. I just sit and stare. It's only me and her in the room. If she doesn't tell me why I'm here in two seconds, i will go insane! Why call me to come down here when you don't even know why you called me down?

4th reason why I hate school.

"Oh! Hunny! Some girl wanted to see you. She's in detention right now.. just go straight forward and take a right!"

I nod, grabbing my things and walking straight forward, I don't really have any friends, so who would even want to talk to me?

I open the door to the detention room.

"I'm here." I say. "Who wanted to see me?"

"Oh hi! I'm glad you could make it.." it was Princess julia, she stand up and leaned down to my eye level.

I grabbed her arm and pushed her back .

"I'm not glad, julia. I need to go to class."

She just laughs and nods.

"I didn't know you cared about science so much... "

"I dont."

She turns her back, going out the other door , she looks back at me once, but I look back twice.


That was something to write... anyways already running out of ideas!

Kinda oc rlly sorry lol


(860 words!)

By leyla

right side of my neck..Where stories live. Discover now