I'll name you....

18 2 6

Lora's POV
The fluffy fellow sniffed around my small house from where it was sat, " hello little one I'm Lora u don't have to be scared I'm here to help " I whispered soothing words to the startled
wolf pup, eventually he fell asleep.
It's been two days since I found the wolf pup and she ( yes I found out ) loves me already..... oh and my bacon. I have to find or buy stuff that involves meat so she doesn't feel like a dog, she is a wolf but not just any wolf she is a white wolf with 1 blue eye and 1 green eye and both are really vibrant.

" Hmmm what should i name you.... oh! I know, how about snowy or snow ball hmmm yeah I like that name. ok I'll name you snowy " snowy lifts her head up and barks " what don't you like that name " I pout, snowy's eyes soften she climbs up and licks my face. " ok I take that as a yes " she howls To agree.

Sorry this sooo short but I'm not quite sure if I should carry on or not soooo.

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