Chapter Twenty-six

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Keesha paced the length of the wall of her cell. She was deep in thought as she considered possibilities of escape. She knew her options were limited as she hadn't seen much of the place, but the next time, the opportunity presented itself she planned to make a run for it. Regardless of the consequences. The sound of shuffling footsteps outside her door broke through her reverie. What now? she thought as she moved to the center of the room in wait of her unwelcome visitor.

The door slowly opened, and Simone quickly walked into the room. She looked behind her to make sure no one had seen her. Satisfied that they were safe, she closed the door and faced Keesha.

Keesha was shocked. She was surprised when Gina came through her door before, but the sight of Simone left her speechless. The last time she saw Simone was quite a while ago. Simone looked much different then. Actually, she looked much better. This Simone was a thinner and haggard looking version than the one who almost married her cousin. Keesha knew that Simone hadn't kept in contact with Justus during her absence. Could Simone had been here all this time, Keesha wondered.

"Ssh," Simone whispered with a finger to her lips. She stood back and took a good hard look at Keesha. She was still considerably banged up from the blows she suffered, but despite that, she was still as beautiful as Simone remembered. Looking at Keesha made her feel like time had stood still.

"Simone? That is you, isn't it?" Keesha whispered.

"Yes," Simone said, opening her arms to Keesha. The tears fell as she embraced her old friend.

Keesha marveled at how frail Simone felt in her arms. If being here did this to her, there was no way Keesha would be here much longer. She'd escape somehow and get help to rescue Simone, Gina, and whoever else may be here.

They released each other and both moved to sit on the ground.

"I don't have much time. They left me have today off, but they'll check on me soon," Simone began.

"They? Who is this 'They'? Gina mentioned a 'They' and now, you are, too. What's the meaning of this? Why are 'They' holding us prisoner here?" Keesha asked, her voice rising as she became more and more agitated.

"Hush! Lower your voice," Simone fiercely whispered. She didn't want a beating for either of them if she was caught in there without permission. "If they hear us..."

"What?" Keesha asked, sarcastically. "They'll beat me again?"

"Yes. If we're lucky, that's all they'll do," Simone answered her, looking her squarely in the eyes. "Now, tell me what's happened to you so far, and I'll try to help you along the way if I can."

"Inspection," Keesha whispered, turning her head so she wouldn't have to meet Simone's eyes. It happened hours ago, yet, she still felt humiliated by the whole experience.

Simone raised her hand to Keesha's cheek and turned her head to face her. What happened to Keesha wasn't unique. The same had happened to Simone and she knew exactly how she felt. Dirty. Humiliated. Ashamed. But she also knew that Keesha would have to abandon those feelings if she expected to survive.

Simone smiled warmly at Keesha and nodded. With the small gesture, Keesha understood that Simone had experienced the same. Somehow, knowing that eased the awfulness of it for Keesha just a little bit.

"Now, I want you to pay close attention to me, Keesha. What I'm about to tell you will make a huge difference in what happens to you here."

Keesha listened intently as Simone began to give her the benefit of her horrible experiences.

In the Dark of Night: Book One of the Dark SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now