Cute love story

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Deepa looked around nervously as she sat in the small room, her hands shaking in her lap. She couldn't believe that this was happening, that she was about to meet the man her parents had chosen for her to marry.

As she fidgeted with her saree, her mother came in with a tray of snacks and tea. Deepa smiled weakly as her mother bustled around, trying to make her feel comfortable.

'Chai, Deepa?' her mother asked, pouring a cup and handing it to her.

Deepa nodded, taking a sip and feeling the warm liquid soothe her nerves. She took a deep breath and braced herself for what was to come.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Deepa's heart jumped into her throat as her mother opened the door, revealing a tall, handsome man standing there.

'Namaste,' he said, bowing slightly. 'I am Vikram.'

Deepa could feel her cheeks heat up as she looked into his dark eyes. She could see kindness and warmth in them, and she couldn't help but smile.

'Namaste,' she replied, trying to steady her voice.

Her parents wasted no time in making small talk and soon, Deepa found herself sitting across from Vikram, discussing their interests and families.

As the evening went on, Deepa and Vikram found that they had a lot in common. They both enjoyed reading and had a love for music. They even shared the same favorite book.

Deepa felt herself relaxing in Vikram's presence and found herself laughing at his jokes and anecdotes. She couldn't believe that she was starting to like the man who she had only met a few hours ago.

As the sun began to set, her parents discreetly left the room, giving Deepa and Vikram some privacy. They both fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.

Finally, Vikram broke the silence. 'Deepa, I know this is our first meeting and we have barely known each other, but I feel a strong connection with you. I would be honored if you would consider marrying me.'

Deepa's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his earnest eyes. She knew that she could trust him and that her parents would never choose someone who wasn't worthy.

'I feel the same way, Vikram. I would be happy to marry you,' she replied, her voice filled with emotion.

And just like that, their parents' arranged marriage plan turned into a love story.

Over the next few months, Deepa and Vikram spent every moment they could with each other, getting to know each other better and falling deeper in love.

Their families were overjoyed at their bond and showered them with love and blessings.

Finally, the day of their wedding arrived. As Deepa and Vikram exchanged their vows, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together.

As they walked around the sacred fire, hand in hand, they promised to always support and cherish each other. And as they completed the seventh and final circle, sealing their marriage, Deepa and Vikram knew that they were meant to be together.

As they started their new life as husband and wife, their love only grew stronger. They faced many challenges and ups and downs, but they always stood by each other, their love and trust never wavering.

Their arranged marriage turned into a beautiful love story that they were proud to share with their children and grandchildren. And as they looked back on that fateful day when they first met, they couldn't help but marvel at how fate had brought them together, and how their love had only grown with each passing day.

'Thank you for choosing me, Vikram,' Deepa whispered as she snuggled closer to her husband, curled up in their bed.

'Thank you for choosing me, Deepa. I am the luckiest man to have you as my wife,' Vikram replied, kissing her forehead.

As they drifted off to sleep, their love story continued, strong and steadfast, just like their commitment to each other.

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