Some thoughts 1

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It's hard living a normal when other's are suffered from theirs and we must try to do everything to help. Whether it's through Donations, praying to Allah and keep spreading the truth.

No matter what happens we have to keep trusting in Allah because at the end of the day truth will be shown one day.


The more I see the madness happening in the world, the more I want to turn to Allah. Ya Rab, please end this oppression, the innocent civilians are facing, and bring peace to the lands of Palestine, shower them your mercy, ease their pain and unite the Ummah.


Ya Allah, please ease the suffering and pain of those who are hurt and in need, whether they are oppressed or suffering a calamity. Oh Allah, they only have you to turn to in these harsh times.


What would you do if you were in Gaza and not a days goes by without worrying about if you'd survive or not?

How would you feel if people close to you had to meet their end?

Would you scream and cry?

But overall can you imagine yourself being in their place?

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