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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇/𝐂 male woke up then immediately got up and continued reading the article he started last night. he wanted to research more about Itoshi Sae. he managed to gather up a bunch of new information about the striker and before you ask "why was he doing this?" he doesn't know either. maybe he wanted to play with him, maybe it's because he wants to get to know him, or maybe he just wanted to play better; it was probably that.

well, now that he found out more stuff about how he plays and his techniques. he might as well give it a try and mimic it in his own way. maybe then he'd be able to get the help he asked for a while back without facing him again.


after a few hours of practicing in his backyard, he managed to get used to the feel of playing like Itoshi Sae. he knew it was definitely more aggravated and aggressive than what his coaches had given him in the past.

you know, following this type of training, maybe he'll be on par with Sae Itosh-!..ow. maybe he should've stretched before trying out something like this..his body hurts like hell.


after doing what needed to be done. he took a shower and wore some comfortable clothes. his mom had asked him to buy her something when he got home and he decided to do it now. he walked inside a small grocery store, he just wanted some stuff.

he skimmed through the shelves and his eyes landed on the kombucha tea. he went to grab it but another got to it first. the h/c male snapped his head to the person who decided to snatch the box when it was obvious that he was gonn-. oh.

he looked at the male in front of him. he swears he was gonna kill whichever God was responsible for giving him terrible luck to meet Itoshi Sae after the lastest interaction. the boy blinked at him repeatedly hoping that what he was seeing was a hallucination.


sae just turned away and attempted to walk away. how rude!

"hey! I wanted that pack too you know." he said with a hint of irritation lacing through his voice.

sae stopped and just said "so?"

the boy was beyond disrespectful! the fact that he didn't even turn to look at him only infuriated him more.

"what do you mean 'so'?!" he was trying his hardest to stay mature but given that he was just a young boy did not help!

"I said what I said. I dont care what you think either." the h/c boy was holding back the urge to make a scene, although some people were already looking.

the boy huffed as he pestered sae itoshi to no end. I guess you could say that it was his karma.


even when sae had purchased and went out of the market the h/c boy was still annoying him to no end and the people who were familiar with him knew he did not have the patience or time to deal with someone like the male.

but even though he ignored the boy, it was obvious that he wouldn't take no for an answer after what he did. how annoying..

sae finally decided to give in and acknowledge him.


"oh my god! finally, you responded. anyways, tell me why the hell you stole my tea!"

"does it have your name on it?"

"well, no. but it was obvious I was about to get it!"

'hes quite stubborn..' sae thought while looking at the male with a blank look which may have exasperated the boy even more.

"you didn't even buy it yet." he blinked at the male again "and you could've gotten another pack of the same thing instead of making a scene."


that seemed to shut the boy up and he was stammering to find the right words to reply but he decided to shut up

to rub salt into the wound, sae said "but you didn't." it wasn't even that bad of an insult but regardless it still seemed to pain the male's ego.

finally, the male seemed to think of a reply "the point is that you don't have respect for me or anyone for that matter!"

"why does it matter? it's not like you're not worthy of my respect."


"excuse me! I am most definitely worthy of any person's respect!" the male declared while listing down the reasons why he was one.

to no one's surprise sae wasn't listening. he was more interested in the thought of drinking the kombucha tea when he got home..


"are you done yapping?" sae spoke out with a tone of boredom.

"for your information, I was not yapping," he mumbled while following sae.

"why're you still following me?"

"because why not."

"... you're annoying."

"you too"

the two were back talking to each other like there was no tomorrow, but atleast it seemed like the h/c let go of sae 'stealing' his tea.


sae doesn't want to mention how he find the other male's presence quite comfortable and m/n doesn't wanna let sae know he enjoys annoying him. how cute.

(edited- 02/03/24)

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