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"𝐔𝐇𝐌." he felt quite awkward and he actually did not know what to say. he was just staring at sae while sae glared back.

"I still haven't forgotten about what you did, you know." his tone was more rough, more than usual. this did not go unnoticed by the h/c male.

"I didn't as well. you still have to pay me back for the tea." the two were was always considered mature for their age but both felt like pouncing one another, even though they just met not too long ago.

"shut up."

"no, you."

"no, you."

after a few minutes when they stopped bickering sae just now noticed the soccer ball in the boy's arms. 'huh, didn't notice that thing.' it was loosely held by him, sae thought if it would've be funny if he were to smack it out of his hands.

"you have quite the temper, mr. under eyelashes.."

"you think I didn't know?"


"anyways, wanna play?" sae thought the male to be quite moody


both were breathing quite heavily and sae was still playing. the h/c male truly wanted to be on the same level as him.

"hm, you're not as bad than what I expected." In truth, he thought that the male was already quite good. not exactly his level, but it was striker worthy. he didn't know what help he needed when the h/c male asked.

"what..really?" the boy's eyes were basically gleaming with joy. he didn't expect THE sae itoshi to compliment him, especially with the current history they have at the moment.


"don't make me take back what I said"

"what? a..are you serious though?" he began stammering, just a bit. what he felt during that moment was something he never felt before. he felt prideful. he felt something like pleasure perhaps..? he didn't know but it certainly felt good. that's for sure.


"heey! answer me!" he was being annoying again. he was pestering sae until he got an answer.


"come on! say it one more time?"

"shut up, brat."

the male pouted while sae was throwing insults left and right. sae imagined y/n as the fly in his room that wouldn't let him take a moments rest.

the pout that tugged on y/n's lips gave him an extra touch to it. sae wouldn't admit that it made him look cute.


sae shamelessly stared into y/n's drink. y/n bought another pack of kombucha tea and was currently drinking(flexing) to sae about it. it ticked him off but let it go. if you thought that sae would let go of his attitude just for some tea then you're dead wrong.

it's just tea after all. it isn't something worth the trouble.



one moment sae was staring at tea, the next hes watching y/n gulp down the drink. y/n seemed to take notice of it and raised an eyebrow.

"want?" the tone seems like it's mocking sae. but really, it wasn't.

"no." yes he does.

a rather loud and dramatic sigh escapes the h/c-ette's lips as i shoved the thermos into sae's face. as if sae was forcing him to.

"you can drink all of the remaining. it tastes different." y/n liked his tea prepared in a specific order. unfortunately today his mom was the one to prepped it up for him and messed up his taste buds.

sae took it without a word and drank from his thermos bottle. it was nice. the heat that transferred from the metal to his hands wasn't burning. so that was a good sign. it tasted good as well.

he drank it all up and slid the bottle back to y/n. he was left wondering why his friend was red in the face, and badly covering up his face with his forearms.

sae shrugged it off as he continued doing whatever he was doing.


rin was inside the store with his and sae's mom. he was picking out the stuff that he wanted and needed. thats when he came across kombucha tea.

'maybe nii-chan would like this..'

and so, he grabbed the entire box and plopped it down in the cart.

(previous title- pathetic boy)

seasons; blue lock x m.reader (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now