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"Do you know that around Blich Street, in the second alleyway, if you go two times to the right, close your eyes for five seconds, and say 'Magiurus,' you'll be in for an amazing show?"

Her friend, Mira, looked up from her food, eyebrows raised. "Eh, Blich? Really!? You know the rumors about that area?"

"I know! But everyone who went there said there was definitely a magiurus. Though some say it's carried out by an unlicensed magic user. It's a bit expensive too—100 crita per person!"

"Well... it's a magiurus after all, whether legal or not. That's actually quite cheap compared to the other magiuruses."

The first friend, Lila, rested her chin on her hand. "Wanna go? They say it's on Friday and Sunday. How about this Friday?"

"Hmm... I don't think I can this Friday. I have to visit Father's grave."

"Ah, I see. Then next Sunday?"

"Okay then! I need to get going now. See you next Sunday!"

"Bye-bye!" They waved to each other one last time before turning around.

**•☽༻¨:·. ──── ₊☽◯☾₊ ──── .·:¨༺☾•**

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our magiurus! For today's special program, you—my dearest audience—shall tell me what you want, and I will make your dreams come true!" The magician extended his hand dramatically.

The audience murmured amongst themselves before a child raised his hand excitedly. "I want to fly!"

"Alright, we have our first request. Could you come up here on the stage?" The child looked at his mother, who nodded, and he eagerly jumped off his seat and headed to the stage.

"Now, let's see, what's your name?"


"Well then, Liam, you wanted to fly, right?" The magician placed his hand on Liam's shoulder. Slowly, the boy's feet began to float until he hovered halfway up the stage.

"Woaaaah!!! Mama! Mama, I am flying! Can you see this? Haha!"

Everyone watched in awe, and soon requests replaced doubts.

"Make me taller!"

A man shyly approached the stage and whispered to the magician, "Can you help me propose to that girl over there?"

"I want my dog to speak!"

"If you are a true magician, you'd be able to turn me into a bird," one of the audience members said with a scowl.

"A bird?" The magician tilted his head.

"Yes, I have heard that only true magicians could transform a person into another living organism. I am sure you are another fraud. It's always people like you that are trying to rob us, the poor! I am sick of your kind!" The man stood up angrily, clenching his fist.

"Oi! That was just rude!" Some of the audience were angry at the man's outburst.

"But isn't he correct? So far, we've only seen basic magic. Even my daughter can fly. There goes our 100 crita." Others started doubting.

Chaos enveloped the place as people began to argue, escalating quickly until the magician put his finger to his lips, and everyone stopped.

"I ask you all to return to your places at once so we can resume. And for you, sir, please come on the stage to fulfill your request." The magician smiled and extended his hands invitingly.

The man looked wary but made his way to the stage. The magician flicked his fingers, and a white light enveloped the man. He looked bewildered as he transformed fully into a bird.

"Well, my dear audience, shall we resume?"

The crowd was silent and in awe. Then, they stood up and clapped furiously, cheering loudly.

"Hm? Why are you this impressed? I thought you were informed this was a high-quality magiurus." The magician chuckled softly at their reaction.

The show resumed smoothly, and everyone was satisfied.

"Our encounter has come to an end, but I hope this was a memorable time. The magic lifts once you sleep, so don't worry about any changes you wished for. And as always, remember, we are always waiting for your return."

In the blink of an eye, all the people disappeared.

"Phew... I am tired." The magician took off her hat. Her brown hair slowly extended to halfway down her back. She tied it into a ponytail and stretched.

"Kasumi!" a loud, gruff voice called as the door slammed open.

"Yes..?" The magician—now known as Kasumi—stiffened, her heart pounding.

"What is the meaning of this, huh? I told you to make it last until 12 a.m.! And you finish at 9 p.m.? Is this a joke to you? Tell me!" He stomped towards her, his face contorted with rage.

"I ran out of mana. If I didn't stop, I would've used my own, and that would kill me on the spot!" She stepped back, her voice trembling.

"Not an excuse!" He bellowed, his eyes flashing with fury. "If you wanted to make it longer, you would have taken more pills. Enlighten me, how many did you take?"

"Um... two pills," Kasumi whispered, her lips quivering, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Two? Two?? Are you joking with me?" His face twisted in disbelief before his anger boiled over. With a swift, violent motion, he kicked her hard in the stomach. Kasumi crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath, pain searing through her body.

"You told me we have another show on Tuesday, so I thought that—" Kasumi's voice broke as she tried to back away, her eyes wide with fear.

"Thought? Ah, I see. Excuses as usual. Kasumi," he growled, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking her head back. She whimpered, taking short, shallow breaths, her body trembling.

"Your life is in my hands. If you refuse to die from mana overuse, I will give you the honorable death you seemingly want and kill you the same way I killed your friends. Lisa can find your place, and if she dies, I'll get another to fill her spot. You are very replaceable, so don't act like this." His voice was a menacing whisper, each word dripping with malice.

"No, wait! Lisa is too young; she will die immediately!" Kasumi pleaded, her eyes wide with desperation. The moment she tried to look at him, he threw her aside, sending her crashing into a nearby table. She lay there, clutching her chest, struggling to breathe.

"This is your final warning." He turned and stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Kasumi lay on the floor, her body wracked with pain and fear, tears streaming down her face.

"Damn. Damn it all!" she muttered through gritted teeth, trying to steady her breathing.

The door creaked open again, revealing a girl with black hair and bright green eyes.

"Kasumi! Are you alright?? I will kill him one day, I swear." The girl rushed to Kasumi's side, helping her to her feet.

"Lisa, I have a plan." Lisa looked surprised but nodded with determination, urging her to continue.

"Let's....." **•☽༻¨:·. ──── ₊☽◯☾₊ ──── .·:¨༺☾•**Kasumi:


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