Chapter Five

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THE TWO WALK INTO the apartments in silence.

Y/N hurries off to Five's room to quickly change and once she had gotten dressed into something more comfortable, she sits on top of the bed and stares into space.

She was so deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice Five walk in and lean against the door frame.

"You okay?" Five asks.

His voice is smooth and delicate but once he notices Y/N not battering an eyelid, he lets out a sigh and sits on the bed beside her.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a black lighter, lighting up his own before offering one to Y/N.

"It can help calm your nerves." Five says.

The girl reaches into the box and pulls out a cigarette, plopping it in between her lips as Five leans towards her and lights it up.

The girl takes a drag before taking it out of her mouth and holding it in between her fingers, slowly blowing the smoke out of her mouth.

She looks over at Five who was already staring at her with great confusion, which amuses her slightly.

"What? You think I've never smoked before?" Y/N jokingly asks.

Five laughs and shakes his head.

"I assumed since you're Number Eight of the Sparrow Academy, you'd be a goody two shoes." He says, propping his own into his mouth and taking in a drag.

The two both laugh a little until they quieten down as Five's eyebrows knit into a frown.

"What really happened when I took you back yesterday?" Five suddenly asks.

Y/N lets out another breath of dirty smoke and holds the cigarette in between her fingers, her eyes watching as lines of smoke escape from the lit end and into the air.

"Reginald took me to his office and asked me where I had been. Obviously, I lied and he didn't seem to buy it. He had Marcus and Ben lock me up in this room I didn't even realise existed until then. When he let me out, all was normal again until Ben-" Y/N cuts herself off and takes another drag of her cigarette to avoid finishing the sentence.

Five nods understandably and reaches over to the small table beside his bed, distinguishing his cigarette on the ash tray before turning back to Y/N and seeing her already under the blankets with her eyes shut.

The boy lets out a deep breath and moves to get off the bed, except a hand gently grabs his wrist before he could leave.

"Stay with me." Y/N tiredly mumbles. Five swallows the nervous saliva that builds up in his throat and awkwardly lays down beside her, on his back.

He listens to how the girls breathing slows down until it's at a steady paste and he looks to see her already asleep.

He closes his eyes and feels himself slowly drifting off before he felt a pair of arms slither around his waist and a head rest on his chest.

The boy couldn't help the small smile that appears as soon as he felt her lay on top of him.

He carefully wraps his arms around her small frame and closes his eyes, somehow falling asleep far quickly than he ever has before.


Number Five awoken the next morning with his body entangled with Y/N's.

He looks down at the girl in his arms and a small smile twitches at the corner of his lips.

Just as he takes a moment to admire her, the sound of his phone ringing from the other room alarms him.

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