Chapter Six

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THE REMAINING OF TIME THAT Y/N and Five spent at the boy's house, neither of the two spoke to each other.

The only encounter that endured between the both of them was the awkward eye contacts across the lounging area whilst being around his family.

The drive home was completely silent - minus the awkward tension that lingered in the air.

Now, the two both sit beside one another on top of Five's bed, a single cigeratte in each of their hands.

Y/N distuinguishes her cigeratte before turning to Five, seeing the boy's green eyes, fixated ahead of him as his spliff slowly burns out.

"You know.." The girl starts, grabbing Five's attention instantly.

His eyes bore straight into hers, the look making her limbs weaken and making her feel as if she was in some sort of hypnotic trance.

"What we did earlier.. I don't want things to be awkward between us." She slowly trails off, finding the longer she stares into his beautiful eyes, the more loss for words she gets.

Five nods in agreement with furrowed brows.

"I agree. I shouldn't have.. we shouldn't have-" But Five cuts himself off, his eyes dropping down onto her lips that she begins to nervously gnawl on.

Y/N hears him quietly cuss to himself, reaching over the bed and putting out his cigeratte on his ash tray before turning to her.

Five shifts himself closer to the girl, lifting his hands and cupping her cheeks in his palms.

"Forgive me." The boy whispers before crashing his lips harshly onto hers.

Y/N's eyes widen but she soon melts into the kiss, her eyes fluttering shut and her hands unconsciusly raising to run her fingers through his soft hair.

The girl moves and crawls onto his lap, each of her legs resting on either side of his waist, straddling him.

She lifts her arms up when she feels him latching onto the hem of her shirt, allowing him to pull it over her head and throw it to the side.

She quickly unbuttons his shirt without breaking the kiss, ripping it off his shoulders and also throwing it to the side.

Y/N lets out a small squeal when Five suddenly wraps his arms around her waist tightly and spins them around, him now taking top.

Five moves down and starts to hungrily kiss her neck, smirking in victory at the sound of her soft moans.

The heated make out seshion lasted for hours on end until Five collapses to the side and heavily pants, out of breath.

Y/N rests her head on top of his chest, listening to the soft patters of his rapid heartbeat whilst he wraps his broad arms around her.

Just as the girl feels herself drifting off to sleep, Five's voice speaks up.

"Let me take you out tomorrow. Some place nice and you can wear that dress again." His tone goes from soft to lustful at the mention of the dress that made his knees weak.

A smile spreads across her lips as she looks up to meet his gaze.

"I'd like that." She replies in a soft and gentle whisper.

She moves her head to rest back on his chest, listening to the sound of his now soft heart beat as she falls into a deep sleep in the arms of her supposed lover.


The next morning, Y/N woke up to an empty bed.

She slowly sits up and glances around the room, noticing the bedroom door that was widen open, gave her clear view of the kitchen and lounging area.

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