5. eyes dont lie.

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"The arcade." Dazai replied, a mischievous grin plastered upon his features.

And that's where the trio found themselves at, playing games, doing rigged games all while awaiting the new locations of the groups.

Y/N and Chuuya were competing in one of those fighting games that you press multiple buttons and even have a small gear.

(guys I do not know what it's called )

Y/N had easily over powered Chuuya's character as she did know the game, playing it with Suguru a few times — she had chosen the strongest character in the game and fought with Chuuya's.

"How was that even possible!? The character I chose was literally a body builder and have muscles ontop of muscles!"

He grins his teeth, annoyed at how a noodle ; the character Y/N chose was far stronger and dealt more damage than his. "It's quite simple actually if you knew the lore of the game you'd be with another character. The character I chose was the protagonist dead mother."

Y/N wore a smirk on her face, leaning and resting her chin against her palms. "You knew of this game?? You didn't explain further hand to me about it." Chuuya tongue kissed his teeth.

"What a baby, you really can't admit you lost fair and square?" The white young sorceress smirks, listening to the younger male run his mouth off.

"You know of the game?" Dazai asked, he knows about it too — having it in his Nintendo switch. "But I'm more interested in seeing a fight between the two of you in real life, rather in pixel version." The one eyed ( the other having being kept and covered by layers of bandages — for unknown reasons to the sorceress.) man spoke.

"I don't fight clients." Y/N muses, a slight lie on her part yet most was the truth. "I'm not your client." Chuuya barked, still in a hissy fit.

Y/N sighs, bored — leaning her head against the game device until something caught her eye, her eyes practically brighten as she got up and headed towards the ( rigged ) claw machines.

"Those are obvious rigged, you know that right?" Dazai pops out from the corner watching her open up her wallet and take a few coins out. "I'm a genius at these things, watch me." Only smirking harder once the ginger besides the brunette let out a scoff. "Show off."

Releasing a few giggles Y/N inserts coin into the claw machine and move the claw to her desired prize, it lowered and went to pick up the item she wanted — a firm grip on the toys waist until it moved closer to the drop box and then it released the hold of the toy and it ended.

"This is absolute madness, ugh I hate claw machines." She grits her teeth, the once annoyed Chuuya was smirking at that. "Not so lucky now huh?" Y/N stares at him before looking the other way and mumbling something incoherent before turning to looking back at them.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 ?! ೀ FEMGOJO!READER X BSDWhere stories live. Discover now