I'll look after you.

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"Mmax..?" Oscar woke up feeling cold, even if the blanket are still all over him, it feels.. Cold.

He must've been sleeping all day again, what time is it now? Why is it dark outside? Is it night? Where is Max?

Yeah, that's the right question,
Where is Max?

He slowly get up from the bed, opening the bedroom door and to his surprise, the apartment is dark. Max didn't turn on the lights.

That's odd, Max always turn on the lights when it was night. Where's Max?

Then, he try to find his phone, maybe by then he will finally know where Max is.


Where are you?

Max's phone was off. Maybe he was out to do something else, buying some ingredients or hang out. Oscar just have to wait now.

Feeling hungry, he decided to make some scrambled eggs, if he have to wait for Max, at least not with an empty stomach right?

Just as he was about to take the eggs from the fridge, there's a note pinned there. It reads

'Meeting my father, don't worry :)'

And that note has sucsess to fail it only task because now, Oscar is worried.

It's so rare for Max to agree to meet his father after all that has happened in the past, so when he agreed, it usually end up badly.

They can't be too far right? I mean, they're in Monaco, and Monaco is not that big. So, Oscar thinking what all other human would do, find them.

He takes the coat from the hanger, its so rare for Oscar to get cold, but tonight?
It feels too cold, too wrong, something wrong.

As he was about to leave, the sound of Sassy around him make him realize the existence of other creatures in the room.

"Hi Aline, yes- I'm sorry. I kinda have a business to do and I don't know when I will come back.

Yes, I'm feeding them right now.
I promise I will come back tonight.
But I don't know when, it could be midnight or early morning.

Yes, I'm so so sorry. Thank you so much! You're my hero. The keys is in the usual place, thanks again."

He then put his phone to the coat's pocket.

"Hi darling, I'm so sorry but I have to leave you two. I promise I get home as soon as I can. I need to find daddy." After hearing Oscar reason, the cats seemed to accept it since Sassy is now no longer locking Oscar by clinging to his feet and Jimmy give his usual goodbye purr.

"Thank you. I love you both so much!" As he ran outside, he finally come to realize, where would he find Max and his father-in-law?

Let's start with their usual cafe, they always meet there when they need to talk but they also hungry. There's no food in the apartment so of course Max gotta be hungry right?

It was cold, the doctor had told Oscar to not be exposed to the cold too long, but this is emergency. He can mind it later.

When he got there, the cafe is already closed. Okay, next visit then, the park.

It's about 30 minutes walk from the cafe to the park, but if he run, maybe he can short it to 20 minutes.

It was cold, so cold and Oscar is tired.
But he didn't care, his priority is Max right now.

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