In your arms. (Phan)

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A/N Okay, sorry if this is super bad, this is my first fic ever. <3

Dan woke up one morning and he felt something was wrong. He went to go find Phil, but he wasn't there. 

"Phil?" Dan called, with a slightly worried tone in his voice.

"Phil, are you here?" He called a bit louder.

When Phil didn't answer, Dan felt insanely nervous. This was the first time he'd woken up without Phil being around in the morning. Dan walked over to the kitchen to find a small piece of paper. 

"Dan, if you're reading this, don't worry. I'm just going out to buy some things that we don't have and I should be back before too long. -Phil"

It was still a bit abnormal. Normally Phil was never up this early, and he normally didn't go anywhere without telling Dan first, but Phil left a note, so everything must be fine. Right? Dan told himself not to worry too much so he made some toast and sat down to watch some TV. After about an hour of Phil still not returning, Dan decided to call him. 

"Hey, this is Phil. I can't get to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the meow. Meoooooow." 

"Phil, this is Dan. Is everything okay? Where are you? Please call me back when you get this message." 

Dan really didn't know what to do at this point, so he paced back and forth around the flat and checked his phone every few minutes. After what seemed like an eternity later, the phone rang. It was an unknown number. 

Dan quickly picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Daniel Howell?"

"Yes, who am I speaking to?"

"This is Laura from the hospital. Your friend Phil has been in a crash and you are one of the people on the emergency contact list. We think it may be best if you come down right away."

"Oh my god, is he okay? What happened?" Dan said frantically, practically yelling at the nurse.

"Sir, I apologize, but we are not allowed to disclose this information over the phone. Please come to the hospital if you'd like to recieve information about the victim."

Dan got to the hospital as fast as he possibly could. When he got there he wasn't quite sure where to go so he just ran to the nearest desk.

"Hello, can I help youo?" asked the lady sitting behind a computer.

"I need to find out which room Phil Lester is staying in, right now."

"Okay, let me look that up."

"Phil is in room 113, just down the hall."

Dan took off running before she even finished the sentence and yelled "Thank you!" back at her. 

When Dan got to the room a nurse was standing outside.

"Are you Laura?" asked Dan frantically.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?"

"I am Dan Howell, you just called me about Phil. What happened to him? Is he okay? Can I see him?"

"Ah, yes. Phil got  in a car wreck. He doesn't seem to be doing too bad, and he should be fine eventually, but he's unconsious right now and he's not in the best condition. He's broken a rib and fractured his arm."

"Oh my god." Dan said with a terrified look on his face. "Can I please see him when he regains consciousness?"

"Of course, for now you can sit out here and we'll notify you as soon as he's waking up."

A/N: okay sorry this is kid of bad I just really started writing what came to my mind off impulse! I hope you guys like it!

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