Rock Bottom

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Eddie answers his cell phone while walking down the street. "Good morning, Buster." He said. "Hey, Eddie. How are you?" Buster asked. "Good. How's the show going for you and (Y/n)?" Eddie asked. "Ah, it's going great. And hey, that's a sharp jacket you've got on today." Buster said. "Oh, thanks." Eddie said. "Wait. Aaah!" Eddie stands facing Buster in the same place. Buster is outside an old mansion. "What are you doing here?" Eddie asked. "Eddie, you can't come visit your Nana without bringing her some flowers. Here." Buster yanks some flowers from a pot, and hands the bunch to Eddie, and rings the doorbell. "What? No! Buster, no!

Don't go in there!" Eddie warned. The door opens by a penguin butler. "Yes, can I help...?" The waiter asked. "Buster!" Buster sees the hall before throwing his arms open wide when he sees Nana. "Ah, Nana!" Nana, a fearsome old black sheep dressed like Norma Desmond, walks down a staircase. "Just look at you, dear. Wow! You don't look a day over 90." Buster said. "Oh, my gosh." Eddie said. Buster runs up and offers Nana flowers. She is very confused. Buster speaks loud, as if she is deaf. "Buster Moon. We met at Eddie's graduation."

Nana turns her disgust to the fearful Eddie. "Oh, lucky me. A visit from my useless grandson and his ghastly little theater friend." Nana said. "Look at that-- she remembers me. Okay, Nana... How would you like to be the sponsor for a very prestigious prize?" Buster asked. "Not for that singing contest I saw on the news." Nana said. "That's the one." Buster said. "Oh, I see. You don't have the money, do you?" Nana asked. "Well, we don't quite have it all locked in..." Buster said. "Well, you'll not get a cent out of me." Nana said. "Nana, please, just listen to me for one second, okay?" Buster asked. "No, absolutely not." Nana said. "Don't listen to him, Nana." Eddie said. "I'm not listening to either of you." Nana offers a teacup to Eddie. "Lapsang souchong, no sugar, and be quick about it." Buster gives the flowers to Nana and tries to pursue her. "Uh, Nana, I-I don't know how to make tea." Eddie said. A beautiful room covered with paintings and statues of Nana and a beautiful view of the city is below. Buster looks at an old poster of Nana.

"Wow. I saw this show when I was a kid. Nana, you were absolutely amazing." Buster said. "Please, this flattery is futile. I have no intention of bailing you out." She giggles. "Your pathetic shows are the reason that theater no longer has an audience." Nana said. "Oh, but this show is gonna... Gonna pack 'em in like it did in the good old days." She looks across a lawn to the city. "They were not "good old days," Mr. Moon. They were magnificent. And that theater of yours, it was a palace of wonder and magic." Nana said. "But, Nana, it still is." Buster said. Eddie runs back in with tea. "Yeah, right." Buster kicks Eddie. "Ow!" He yelps. "I can recall the ushers in their velvet suits. Queues a mile long just to get a ticket. The curtain rising over that glorious stage."

Nana said. "Music and light bringing dreams to life?" Buster asked. "Precisely." Nana replied. Buster offers her tea. "Well, it's just like you remember it. In fact, (Y/n) and I made it even more spectacular." He said. "(Y/n)?" Nana asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. "She's... my daughter." Buster said. "Come see for yourself. Uh, a special performance just for you. What do you say, Nana?" Buster said. "I say... You are a liar, Mr. Moon." Nana said. "Okay, well, we're done now. Thank you, Nana." Eddie said. "But anything's better than spending another evening playing checkers with this old fart." She motions to the waiter standing by the door. "What?" The waiter asked. "Great. It's gonna blow you away, Nana. And that is no lie." Buster said.

Time Skip

"Now, listen up. Tomorrow we're going to have a full preview of the show. And our audience will be none other than Miss Nana Noodleman." The cast was not expecting that. The cast responds as if this were great news with gasps and 'wows.' including (Y/n). "You got Nana Noodleman involved?" (Y/n) asked, shocked. "She's still alive?" Mike added. "Oh, yes, and believe me, she's got some pretty high standards. All right? So, today, we're gonna have a full dress rehearsal, and I want to see you light up the stage, folks." Buster said. "Well, that's cool." Gunter said. "(Y/n)? Meena? Miss Crawly?" Buster puts down his blueprint for a new stage design. "What do you think?" He asked. "I don't know...." (Y/n) said. "Wow, it's so ambitious." Miss Crawly said. "Yeah, are you sure about this?" Meena asked. "I promised Nana something spectacular, and this..." Buster chuckles. "Ha! It's gonna blow her away." He said. "Oh, yes." Miss Crawly said. "If you say so." (Y/n) said. "Two minutes, everybody." Johnny's walkie-talkie crackles in his jacket. "Johnny. Johnny, where are you?" Big Daddy asked.

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