🎖S2.Venomous Part 2🎖

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So I have just found out that Jackson has recanted his statement and Isaac is now back in school and a free person.

So I headed into home class and I saw Scott and Isaac. I run to sit next to Isaac and ignore Scott and his protests.

"Hey, Isaac." I greet my beta and my son."Hey, Roma." He greets me and hugs me.

"Dude, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got terrible, horrible, very, very bad news," Stiles says

"I think I already know," Scott says pointing to Isaac who had a smug face on him. I clipped Isaac around the ear and gave him a look to pack it in. But I smirked at him.

"I've missed you, Isaac," I said leaning into him."Missed you too." He says kissing my head.

I'm now heading to We have an Economics class with Coach

Jackson came and sat next to me behind Scott and across from Stiles.

"Hey, Testicle Left and Right-- what the hell is a Kanima?" Jackson asks.

The boys turn around and face him with a How the hell do you know about that look.

"All right, listen up! A quick warning before we begin our review-- some of you, like McCall, might want to start your study groups because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult-- I'm not even too sure I could pass it!"Coach yells

"Okay, I need a volunteer on the board to answer the first question. Who's got it, huh? Come on, let's go, buddy." Coach says.

"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson asks irritated.

"I'm familiar with the sensation," Stiles answers.

"Wait-- why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it's you?" Scott asks.

"How should I know?" Jackson says

"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know! All I heard was her name and something about chemistry." Jackson says

"Jackson!" Coach shouts."Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" Coach asks.

"Umm... Just an undying admiration for my-my coach.." Jackson says.

"That's kind of you. Now shut up! Shut it! Anybody else?" Coach yells.

Scott then turns to us."How do we know it's not her?" Scott asked.

"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil. And, when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see fifty per cent evil." Stiles answers.

I give him a look to say only fifty? "All right, maybe sixty. You know, but no more than forty on a good day!" Stiles exclaims.

"Stiles, that's not a very good argument," Scott replies. I nod in agreement."I'm aware of that, but I swear it's not her. It can't be, all right? Lydia's fine." Stiles says.

"Um might want to rethink that argument," I said pointing to the board. I take a photo of what she has written. "Okay, then. Does anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?" Coach asks slightly confused.

"What is that, Greek?" Stiles questions."No, I think it's English," Scott says. "Here I took a photo of it and flipped around," I said showing them.

Lydia wrote; SOMEONE HELP ME backwards.

We walk into chemistry class."Derek's not gonna kill her without proof," Scott says as we enter the room.

"All right, so he tests her as he did with Jackson, right? But when and where?" Stiles questions. "I think here and now," Scott tells us.

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