Chapter 6

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Immediately after leaving Frida's house, Benny spent some hours driving around the city, trying to take a break from everything and everyone. He was... pissed off... Yeah... Annoyed... Most of all confused. In his entire life, he had never been confused or uncertain about tomorrow, not like this. And instead he now found himself wandering in a darkness of confusion and anger with the headlights off in the night.

He craved a break.

He needed a different perspective. A change of scenery. But he really couldn't as much as he wished to. He had responsibilities, he had duties to fulfill. And he had a personal situation that didn't give him time or way to just unplug.

He forced his eyes to remain on the road even If he was suddenly hit by the desire to take a walk around the city, like they used to do...


Fuck. Just fuck. He really needed to stop thinking of her, of them. He really needed to stop it. He was hurt, she was hurt and they didn't really function like before so he really needed to just stop.

He wasn't the same man. Not anymore and for his own will.

Benny turned up the heat on the car heater. It was cold, too cold, and his emotions had settled in his stomach, making his body shiver from time to time.

At a red light, he sighed and pressed his temple to the chilled glass of the window, watching the street lights under his heavy eyes.

He had a new life. One that he just had to be happy about. And he instead found himself pressed under the weight of his thoughts, of his doubts.

He needed to make a definitive decision, but right at that moment, the only one he could think of made him nauseous. He took a deep, trembling breath and closed his eyes for a few moments.

This time he knew that anger couldn't cover the pain he'd feel. Because as miserable as he felt, he was sure that he couldn't live without her either.


A horn from behind made him jump and he immediately realized that the green light had come on. He set off again and resumed wandering through the desolate streets of the city.


Benny didn't know what to expect when, parked in front of the garage, saw the lights on inside the house. He got out slowly, for a moment the world beneath his feet seemed to tremble, and then he headed for the stairs. Frowning, he opened the front door cautiously and entered.

"Oh my God".

Benny turned his head to his right and saw his girlfriend with a phone in hand.

She quickly tossed the phone on a coffee table and threw herself at him, clinging to him, her face tucked into his neck.

Benny remained still, his brain slightly foggy and slow to understand the whole situation.


"Where the hell have you been, Benny? I've been worried sick, for Christ's sake" she growled, pulling away enough to move a hand at the nape of his neck and kiss him fiercely "I was a second away to call the Police".

"I was just... driving around the city..." he said, frowning, confused.

"Your phone is off" she said, harshly, scared.

He frowned again and pulled it out of his pocket. Death. "I didn't notice" he said simply, putting it back into his pocket. He looked at her again and shrugged "What are you doing here?".

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