Chapter 12

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"Everything ready?".

"Yes!" Görel sighed with a blissful smile on her face, resting her head against the backrest "Scheduled time, pieces set, we rehearsed everything and everything is perfectly coordinated" she looked at her watch and winked "Exactly at this time, tomorrow, Stig will have the biggest surprise of his sulky life" she chuckled amused.

Björn smiled amusedly, resting his hands on the arms of his black chair in Görel's office "What would we do without you?".

"Angel face, better not to ask yourself, because the answer would be catastrophic" Görel winked at him again and both laughed.

"Hey, is everything ready for tomorrow?".

Both Görel and Björn looked up at the office door, where Benny entered while stirring his steaming cup of hot milk chocolate.

"We were just talking about this. It seems everything is ready" Björn confirmed, nodding slowly.

Benny nodded and licked the plastic spoon before tossing it into the trash can by the door. He took a long sip and sat down next to Björn, facing Görel's desk.

"And as for the matter... of Abba?" Benny asked, wetting his lips to remove any chocolate residue there.

"What matter of Abba?" Görel asked.

Benny shrugged "Will it just be me and Björn?".

"Aren't I enough for you?" Björn asked with a grin, stretching out in his chair.

"Not so much, no" Benny replied, hiding a slight grin behind his cup.

"Oh, yes! Thank you for saying that" Görel said with a smile, fiddling on the desk and taking out a small folder "Agnetha just called to confirm and will be here by 4pm. Even if she has to leave as soon as we finish because...".

"Because Linda has a dress rehearsal for the school dance. I know, and please, I'd rather it not be talked about" Björn replied, putting his hands over his face in a sign of desperation.

Both Görel and Benny chuckled.

"Be strong, come on" Benny patted his thigh to cheer him up.

"You're only talking because your daughter is already grown up and she's already gone through this phase" Björn replied, glaring at him and lowering his hands slightly from his face.

"That's true" Benny chuckled, raising his cup in greeting.

"She's a beautiful young woman, Björn. You should just be proud of her" Görel told him softly.

"I am... But I'm also aware of the other guys hanging around her and that's enough to make me die inside!".

They all laughed together, until a little silence fell upon them.

"Okay" Björn said, looking at the clock on the wall to his right "With no other news, I'd say it's getting late. I would go" and he stood up, heading towards the door.

"Yeah. I'm coming too" Benny sighed loudly, finishing his chocolate and getting up "See you tomorrow, Görel".

"See you tomorrow, guys" Görel replied with a smile.

When they reached the door, Görel called them back.

"Oh, I almost forgot" she said, fumbling at her desk again "Frida will be here by 5:30. Minute more, minute less".

A slow and sincere  smile formed on Björn's face "Everything ready indeed" and he left the room.

When Görel heard nothing else in the room, she looked up and found Benny motionless just inside the door, his head cocked slightly to the side and one eyebrow raised.

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