[Mission One]: Identify The Enemy

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"Why the hell are we always on guard duty?" Guard One asked his fellow guard. Both of them were standing on either side of the entrance door to an abandoned and run-down building, armed with assault rifles and heavily armoured. 

"Look, man, cut out the yapping," Guard Two said to him, sounding like he had had a bad day. "I hear enough of it at home with my wife and kid." 

"Wait, you're married?" Guard One responded in shock, turning to his fellow guard like this was the largest revelation he had ever discovered in his life.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure that's how you get a wife," Guard Two replied sarcastically, now sounding tired of life.

"You're married to a WOMAN?" Guard One exclaimed in disbelief.

Guard Two turned to him with a glare. "The hell are you trying to say? That I go for men?" 

"You have the ugliest face I've ever seen, only a man would accept that," Guard One said. "There's no way you're telling the truth, you've never mentioned her until now!"

"Because it's none of your business, man," Guard Two shook his head as he looked around in the darkness. "I don't get paid enough for this crap."


"Wait, you're getting paid?" Guard One questioned in surprise, his eyes widened. 

"You're not getting paid?" Guard Two questioned in even more surprise, turning back to his fellow guard. "Why the hell are you here then?"

"Dunno, I just heard that having this job on your record is apparently good," Guard One shrugged. "You know, for like other jobs."

"...We're defending the base of a criminal of the underworld, why the hell would you expect this to be on your record?" 

Guard One blinked, "...Oh."

"How stupid are you?" Guard Two shook his head again, disappointed in him and also annoyed that he got stuck with a clown like this. "I really don't get paid enough for this." 

"I've been doing this for months... for NOTHING?" Guard One fell to his knees, dropping his gun and placing his hands on his face. 

"Strange," Guard Two commented, as he looked down at Guard One. "The boss is apart of the Embassy, right? I've never heard of someone from there that doesn't pay all of their men." He placed a hand on his chin, as the other held the gun at his side. "Isn't that a violation of the code?"


"What do you know about the Embassy's code? Hell, what do any of us disappointments know? Only the pros know anything about that crap," Guard One said, removing his hands from his face. "Not a surprise that some of them don't follow it."

"I've been at this job for years, so I've obviously heard my fair share of information over the years," Guard Two explained. "The Embassy has a code that all of the pros must follow the moment they sign their contract. You wanna know what happens when they break it?" Guard Two looked down at Guard One, expecting an answer.

"Sure, why not, enlighten this failure," Guard One sighed.

"You'd be hunted down until you were dead. No exceptions, no second chances. And trust me, the Embassy is rather strict when it comes to their code."

"Oh wait, that reminds me... I heard one time that one of the pros found a loophole in the code and used it to their advantage, and they weren't punished but rather rewarded," Guard One informed Guard Two.

"Oh yeah, I heard of that story. There are rumours that it's just a lie to trick the pros into finding loopholes for the Embassy, and they get executed right after. That's why none of the pros wanna risk it," Guard Two told him. 

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