Resting plans

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A/n- todays my birthday but I wanted to write for you all today so here's a one shot! 

It's been three days since you've been out of the ICU and put into a regular hospital unit as you had also been getting off of all the medication that the nurses had pumped into you. Your body had some dark and scorched burns and new healing gashes an wounds . You were stiff , sore and just in overall pain as you tried sitting up in the medical bed. How you got here was the same reason you were always here , the mission went sideways. You had gotten caught in a explosion as you were exiting to get to evac and as you were running the large flash hit you , it was a exsplosion that went off, causing you to get caught in it leaving you with some burns on your legs from the heat and fire and the wounds from when the impact hit and you were thrown into debris that cut you up and practically stabbed you.

You lived as you had been found by soap and you were critical not too long ago but now everything is stable  but you were still a bit loopy from the drugs. You looked around as you squint your eyes trying to allow your eyes to adjust to the lighting in the room and you felt the pain creep in more as you tried moving. As you moved to lean yourself up you winced as you felt the sting come from all different spots on your body. The doctors told you not too long ago not to move to much but you were very stubborn and had a knack for not letting anyone take care of you regardless of how badly you were injured and you still moved trying to get around.

As you leaned yourself up you saw the IV in your arm and you looked down at your body to see a line of stitches on your arm an you looked down further to see the back of your left calf bandaged and your right upper thigh slightly covered too. You had the standard blue hospital gown on and a white pair of grippy socks. You wiggled your toes making sure everything worked and you muttered to yourself as you went to take out your IV.

"Don't touch that."
A voice came from the door and you looked up to see it was your boyfriend soap, how you and him got together was a mystery and price is still wondering how a goofy person as soap got with someone as stubborn and cold like you. You weren't always cold but with soap you tended to be a little but then he would make you melt like mush and you'd go all soft on him. Soaps been worried like hell for you for the past few days. When he first found out on the mission that you had been injured and in critical condition he had almost given up completely to try and get to you. He couldn't move his postion or else he would've been caught by next target but oh when he heard your groans of pain and agony through comms he wanted to just leave his post but he couldn't until he got the okay and when he did get the okay from price he sprinted so quickly to your location as did others.

When he found you all he could hear was the fast beat of his heart and his breathe quickening. He saw the smoke and flames around you and the blood that covered your body. It was a gut wrenching experience for him but most of all you. He had ran over you you kneeling down to your tattered and bloody body and he felt his panic settle in. His hands shaking as you looked over your body an He yelled through comms for evac to hurry and to bring medics as he told them of your conditions and he stood there with you waiting. It was something he never wanted to experience but in this line of work everything was a risk but you were alive and healing.

When you were brought back to medical they had to stop soap from entering your room as the medics were trying to patch you up 

You look up at soap and your eyes narrowed as you shook your head.
"I'm fine.."
You grumbled as you managed to sit yourself up and soap instantly went over to your side and he tried to push you gently back into bed but you refused as you pushed his hand away.
"Your not fine luv your coming off some cocktail of drugs and you got caught in a explosion barely even a week ago so do not tell me you are fine."
He's says firmly as he sees your stubbornness showing through as you didn't want to rest.

Soap could see the pain on your face but he couldn't tell if it was because the medicine wasn't working well or if the wound was causing too much pain for you since you wouldn't sit down and you kept moving.
"Does it still hurt?" He asked softly, looking deeply into your eyes hoping you would be honest with him. You had a tendency to lie about how you felt physically and sometimes would go so far as to make yourself exhausted since you wouldn't listen to anyone when they said rest. You always pushed yourself to your limits and what's even worse is that it effects soap but soap knows how to handle it.

"No I'm fine..."
You mumbled and Soap stared at you not believing you but he didn't press the issue. He moved closer to you and laid his hand on your shoulder  gently rubbing it.
"You need anything?"
He asked trying to mask his annoyance and trying to sound gentle as possible.
"My will and sanity are back."
You say bluntly and he chuckled.
"So morbid huh?"
He gently kissed the side of your head , Soap couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped from his lips when you said that. "You really are stubborn as hell, ain't you? But seriously y/n , doctors order you cannot roam around. You gonna wind up agitating your wounds and god forbid re opening them"

You sighed and shook your head.
"I'll live."
You murmured as you tried standing up again but failed.
" I'm not stubborn.."
You lied to yourself , you were the most stubborn person on the team , even more so than ghost.
He shook his head with a chuckle, unable to help the laugh that escaped him.
"Is that so? Well, I beg to differ, missy."
He gently booped your nose and you sneezed.
Soap just chuckled softly and shook his head at you.
"You're still pretty cute when you're loopy like this, you know."

"Don't call me cute".
You muttered and glared. Soap smirked even harder at your glare.
"What? I'm just calling it as I see it. You've got all the adorable characteristics, and now the mind is just a bit can I not call you adorable? I think you're just mad 'cause you know it's true. So what do you want me to say? That you're ugly as hell and that I hate looking at you?"

You tried holding back a grin but you let off a small smirk. Soap laughed again at how much it seemed to irritate you when he called you cute, so of course when you challenged him to say something else he would be more than willing to oblige you.
"You'd rather I told you that you're ugly? That you've got the ugliest face and that I can't stand to look at it for even half a second?"
He looked at you.
"Wouldn't be true , you fucking stare off into space when looking at me."
You pulled him by the collar andkissed him deeply and passionately, your slightly cracked lips on his plush soft ones.

Soap couldn't help the sudden burst of redness that spread across the entirety of his face as you pulled him to you and pressed your lips against his.His eyes suddenly closed and an amused smirk curled his lip as his hand gently caressed at your side, his thumb brushing against your cheek as he cupped it as he pulled away.
He was going to speak his mouth snapped shut so fast it made a snapping sound.You caught him before, you were right. a lot of times when he looked at you he did sort of just stare off into nothing.It was a stupid trait of his but he couldn't help it.
"That's not true, I...l...."

"I'm messing with you , you know I love you..."
You say sheepishly and quietly with a little soft look and soap smiled as he gently kissed your forehead.
"Can I get a wheelchair ?.."
Soap shook his head at you.
"What? You wanna go for a wheelie down the hallway or somethin-"

"No dumbass it's so l can move around without the doctors bitching..."
Soap let out a short-lived grunt of frustration but then sighed and smirked, shaking his head as he looked down at you.

You nodded.

"Fine , but no walking And I'll wheel you wherever you want."
He sat next to you and fixed your nightgown and cupped your cheeks as he looked at you lovingly.

He'd make sure you got your rest and healed as quick as possible.

John "soap" MacTavish x female reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now