Gentle touches

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A/n- hello peoples ! Here a oneshot for you all , also this oneshot will also be posted on my tumblr.

Tw-mentions if burn scars

It has been a long day for you.

You'd been working you ass off overtime all week and lately you've been feeling all that tiredness and pain catching up to you. You were a welder , a good one at that. You were part of the 6 percent of female welders out there and you were porous of your work but lately you've been working later and more hours since things haven't been all that good. You have burns and scars in yours hands as when you welded at times sometimes the welding gloves you used to protect yourself from getting the burns didn't help at times . No matter what you used you always wind up getting burned some how.

You stood cooking In The kitchen wearing nothing but slippers and a oversized shirt that was your husbands ,stirring a stew mixed with veggies and chicken that you had been making for dinner tonight. You were exhausted but you knew you felt you had to feed yourself and your husband. You sighed as you added some grabbed some seasoning and garlic from the cabinets that lied above the stove in your nicely cleaned and organized kitche And you seasoned the stew nicely. As you were cooking you hadn't even noticed your husband , soap walking into the house coming home from a day at base.

Soap kicked off his dirty combat boots at the door and he took off his jacket and he hung it up on the coat rack that was left at the door and he walked down the hallway to come and greet you. It was a log day for him at the base but it was fairly easy as there wasn't a mission and it was just a fair briefing and training day. As he went to go see you his eyes widened and then softened as he saw you out and cooking in the kitchen. He saw your tired and exhausted face. The dark circles under your eyes and the messy bed of hair that lies atop your head. He hated seeing you like this , working yourself to exhaustion.

He gently then walked over behind you and wrapped his arms around you as you stirred the spot. He held you tightly as he had hugged you from behind and buried his head into the crook of your neck.
"I'm home luv."
The Scott muttered softly into the soft flesh of the neck and you looked up from the pot that you were stirring and you glanced at him.
"I see that."
You say in a quiet tone and he looked over at your arms seeing the burns on your hands and on your upper wrist. You noticed him looking over at your burns and you sighed.
"It's nothing , it's just from work."

"I know it's something. Your wrists and hands  is covered in little burn marks." He grabbed your hand as His thumbs rubbed your wrist, his eyes scanning over the other ones.He felt like he felt helpless sometimes seeing you like this and it was killing him. He just wanted to fix it, take it all away, to make you feel fine regardless if he just came home or not.
"'s fine-"
"Shut up." His voice was gentle as he spoke, his eyes were still roaming over you.
"I'm not going to watch you work yourself to death. So let me take care of you." He looked away from you as his thumb rubbed the soft skin on your hand still , his touch was so soft and loving.

You loved him more than anything else in your life but you had a hard time letting him do things for you. You were very independent and always felt you really had no one to rely on fully. You grew up in a home where if you weren't taught it you taught yourself which for the majority of things you taught yourself. It was hard to accept help at times and you just didn't like being taken care of but today was different , today you were truly exhausted. He gently let go of you and he nudged you a little as he started to take over the cooking. "Sit on the couch luv , I'll finish dinner."

You shook your head before hugging him from behind and you buried your face into his back inhaling his musky scent , the smell of his cologne and clothes clouding your senses.
".......i just need you with me...."
You muttered and he smiled to himself and he turned off the stove and put a top on the pot before turning around and holding you in his arms for a brief moment and then picking you up bridal style causing your eyes to widened.
"Your coming with me."
He says as he then started to walk to the upstairs part of your house and bring you to yours and his shared bedroom.

You wanted to protest but your body was giving in and his touch was too strong to not make you feel calm and sleepy. He kicked open the door and then gently threw you onto the bed before sliding into bed himself and wrapped his arms around you.He lay down beside you, his body pressing up against yours.Your bodies fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces. it felt as if warm and safe as he hugged your tired form against him with one arm as He ran one of  his hands through your hair, he was in awe of how soft it was. Even in a fragile state you were still stunning to him.

He lightly kissed the top of your head as he pulled you closer. His touch was gentle and soothing, you couldn't help but relax in his arms. It did wonders for your body as it did your mental state. He rubbed your arm, gently stroking it as He let his fingers travel over the small burn marks that had been caused by your line of work. all he had on his mind was taking care of you at the moment and all that mattered was you.

"Thank you......."
You muttered as you buried your face into his chest and he smiled as he held you.
"You're welcome." His words were almost muffled. His touch was soothing, he had his eyes closed for a few moments and he was enjoying your warmth against his body as he too needed this after coming home from base.He laid there for what felt like minutes, but in reality was probably around an hour before he spoke again.
"I want you to try and go to sleep now."
His thumb lightly rubbed the side of your neck. "You need your rest, your body is struggling and everything you've been doing has taken its toll so I want you to rest love."

As you didn't answer he looked over at you for a moment before realizing that you'd fallen asleep. A sleep you so desperately needed.He was relieved you finally fell asleep after awhile.His body was pressed into yours still as he held you and  every once in a while he would move slightly and adjust himself so he was more comfortable.  The touch of your body reminded him of how fragile and vulnerable you were in this state. He was relieved that you were asleep, your body needed this rest as much as possible. He stayed awake for a long time because he didn't trust himself to fall asleep in case you needed anything, if you woke up he wanted to be there for you.

He would always be there for you.

John "soap" MacTavish x female reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now