Witch Hunt //Part 2\\

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"Steady, men! Remember your training" Lancelot announced once all the knights have followed him into the open area where he's spotted the troll as they all surrounded him, unfortunately this announcement of a troll has started up Arthur's hatred towards them which disrupted the future inside the Time Map again so they had to find another way as to how they were going to get Arthur and Morgana to reconcile again.
"Kill the beast!" Lancelot added before he started to lead his crowd of knights towards the open area where the troll was spotted as Steve gawked at his words now standing behind him.
"Wait, kill? I thought this was catch-and-release!" He panicked as Claire, Douxie, Kate all followed along with Morgana joining them to catch up with the knights as they ventured into the forest.

Multiple knights murmured amongst themselves as they scouted around the area they have ventured into which was a open area with sculpture and pillars of stone laying about as one knight holding a crossbow seemed to have spotted the troll and pointed at it towards Galahad. This wasn't a normal troll though as Kate reconsigned it as one of Gunmar's troll guards from within the Darklands as low growls came from it, stumbling slightly around the place holding its polearm strictly in place as all the knights have tucked behind trees to watch it - all starting to sneakily fall into place which included knights moving to the left and the right of the troll as the knight with the crossbow aimed it towards the troll as the air grew thick, waiting for the first hit so they can move onto their new plan and the arrow was fired, hitting the troll in the back of its dark stony shoulder causing it to turn around by a knight from its left side had swung a bulky chain around its neck and trapping it immediately.

Another chain was flung from the right side this time as the troll's right arm had gotten restrained.
"Take the beast down!" Arthur commanded as Morgana shouted out towards him.
"Arthur, no!" She shouted but Arthur didn't listen to her as the troll's left hand also gotten restrained by the chain as the troll was fully stopped and restrained in place, not being able to move as Lancelot made his way towards Steve who seemed more disturbed than anything.
"Squire Steve, will you do the honours?" Lancelot questioned him as he tossed over a sharpened blade to Steve who caught it but looked down at with hesitation and fear once he took a look at the troll as the troll had suddenly lunged forward and hit Steve, making him fall backwards onto the floor and Arthur has instantly stepped in front of Steve and hit the Troll backwards with Excalibur.

"Careful, young squire. Show these beasts no sympathy" Arthur told Steve as he looked behind him to see that Steve was laying on the mossy grass now before Arthur turned back around and let out a loud war cry before hitting the troll directly in its stone chest making it stumble backwards into a gap of sunlight from above the trees. The troll hissed in pain as the sunlight hit its skin, turning it into hard stone almost instantly within a couple of seconds and leaving it there. Arthur and his men turned around before celebrating with each other, yelling out multiple "huzzah! Huzzah!" Which Kate found quite stupid, celebrating for such a small feat like killing a troll when there's lots of them about.

Kate soon enough felt a sudden shiver go down her spine as the air grew tense around her suddenly, feeling the presence of another troll but it was a intense presence as the faint and low sounds of snarls echoed around the area, she was quick to turn around to look in Steve's direction and that's when she caught sight of the big, black stone figure slowly appearing from the huge rock behind Steve, low growls and snarls being made as bloody red eyes locked onto Steve - Bular.
Steve soon enough spotted Bular upwards as he tried to run away but Bular was quick to snatch Steve by the back of his suit and aggressively flung Steve away to which Kate was quick to help Steve not hit the ground as she outstretched her hands and helped Steve still hit the ground but not as aggressively with her telekinesis.

"Bular the Butcher!" Lancelot shouted out at the appearance of Bular who towered over the knights like they were prey to him, they actually were prey to him.
"The Gumm-Gumm prince himself" Galahad added, bringing out his spiked mace to fight Bular with it and almost immediately, a fight broke out.

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