Battle Royale

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"You're doing great, Claire"

A day has passed since the group had reclaimed Excalibur and helped Arthur regain his sanity as Arthur was due revealing Excalibur to the rest of Camelot through a tournament he has prepared but right now, Kate and Douxie - with Steve running around with his new axe made from the tooth of the Lady of the Lake, was helping Claire unlock more of her shadow magic abilities and by helping her get used to her own shadow portals into the Shadow Realm as Claire sat cross-legged in the old fireplace with a sleeping Archie resting on her leg and Douxie and Kate stood in front of her with Douxie holding the spell book in his hands and Kate watching. Steve ran around, swinging his tooth axe while giggling to himself before accidentally knocking down a shelf full of books as he chuckled nervously, catching a antique human skull by instinct but screaming once he realised what it was and earned a deadpan look of Douxie, Claire and Kate.

"Channel your emotions" Douxie read through the page and looked up at Claire with a grin on his face. "Good. Now, let the world drop away" he calmly told her as Claire nodded in understanding before she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she concentrated on herself, a darkened shadow of Claire appeared behind her as it moved downwards and formed a large shadow portal underneath Claire before her - and Archie, fell right into it and entering the Shadow Realm.

"She really picks it up fast" Kate commented as she crossed her arms and looked at the shadow portal that laid out on the fireplace.
"She definitely has the gift" Douxie added with a grin, "what was it like when you first realised you had psychic abilities?" Douxie questioned her as Kate looked down at him before trying to remember how she actually learned to control them. She remembered running away from Arcadia, meeting her mother through some sort of communication when she found out everything, she distinctly remembers trying to channel her abilities by herself in the forest as she knew they were activated before due to the many experiences she's had before she knew she had them but she never know how to actually use them as she had to learn by herself.

"I didn't have any help from anyone, really. I just learned how to actually control them in a weird forest - now, I think about it, I made a weird decision doing that" Kate's face scrunched up at the realisation she made a stupid mistake of running away from Arcadia and surviving in a forest but she remembered the reason why was because she didn't want to risk hurting anyone - it was still stupid. What if she never did do that? Would she still be here?
Her thoughts got cut off when Steve bumped into her while swinging around his axe again but this was on purpose as he spoke.
"Yo, scary girl. Now that I have a very sickening axe, I think I might have a chance against you" Steve started with a smug look on his face as he bumped into Kate's back but she only gave another deadpan look at him.

*clank* *screams*

Steve let out a shocked yelp when Kate single handily leg-swept him with only one leg and he fell onto the ground.
"Hey, no fair! You didn't even give me a chance to use this one sweet tooth" Steve huffed as his axe fell onto his chest plate and he held it up, showing it to Kate before looking at it himself.
"She needs a name." Steve started as he analysed his axe, "Biter!" He was quick to raise up to his feet as he swung his axe around again with confidence as he came up with multiple names. "No, no, no. Dental Destroyer!" He swung his axe in the air but it ended up hitting him in the head. "Ooh, Molar Murder" he chuckled.

Douxie was sat just peering at the shadow portal as Steve continued to swing about like an idiot, nearly falling into the portal before Douxie grabbed him and pulled him away from it as Steve turned to him with a confident and smug look.
"Ha!" He laughed before he suddenly gotten shoved onto the ground instantly as Claire had appeared out of the portal, falling through it quickly as she crashed down onto Steve causing Douxie and Kate to step back at her sudden appearance.
"Ow..." Steve groaned out as Claire was quick to lift her head upwards in a panic.
"She's back! She's back!" Claire suddenly repeated with a look of horror on her face as Douxie immediately stepped forward to try and calm her down.

"I'm an Alien in Love" - Tales of Arcadia: Wizards - 𝕂𝔸𝕋𝔼 ℙ𝕊𝕐ℂ𝕀𝔸Where stories live. Discover now