New girls

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Ashlyn's POV: After I came back from the store I saw Tyler and Taylor with 2 other girls. The first one was taller then the the other girl she had Cargo jeans on with butterfly patterns, baggy grey shirt, Very blue eyes, and short brown hair, The other girl thought was very different from her sister she had her bangs over her eyes but there probably blue, she had a mask on, yellow and purple tights with some pink leg warmer, both of them have a matching neck less not for best friends but the exact same thing. I didn't realize that I zoned out, What a great first impersonation.

Taylor's POV: I saw these 2 girls walking by themselves Tyler said not to talk to them but the look so sad. I found out there sisters and there names are Delilah and Crystal 2 completely different names I wonder why well they stopped talking so now it's Akward silence. I see Ashlyn but she not moving maybe she zoned out or something "I'm gonna text Ashlyn real quick"

Taylor: hey ash I see u rn can I bring over these 2 girls

Ashlyn: No.

Taylor: But they look so sad, plus a say you zone out looking at them so PLEASE

Ashlyn: Fine.

Ashlyn's POV: Taylor made me bring these girls to our sleepover I really hope it's not that awkward.

Time skip

3rd person: Everyone arrived, everyone was questioning Delilah and Crystal Delilah was very quiet because Crystal kept answering for her. No one really minded Everyone sat with one someone Aiden and Ashlyn, Ben and Taylor, Tyler and Logan, Delilah and Crystal. Ashlyn was wondering " Do they go to the phantom dimension to or is that just us" Ashlyn asked the question they responded with " Yeah, is very depressing there all we do is play cards, play on our phones, and sleep" Tyler asked " You don't plan On Leaving OR WHAT" Taylor whispered " Don't. Yell." Delilah said " We can't leave, it's impossible" It became very quiet no one said anything, Ashlyn suggested a movie to break the silence, everyone said yes. Aiden put Home Alone, Ben and Taylor made popcorn Aiden stole a handful of popcorn and Ran to the couch. As the night went on Ashlyn feel asleep on Aiden's shoulder, Aiden felt his face turn red Taylor thought "why not take a picture It's perfect for blackmailing" she took a very beautiful, perfect picture on her phone, She sent it the group chat. Taylor realized Delilah and Crystal weren't in the gc so she added them. As the night went on it hit 12 Delilah and Crystal were nearby so they went inside the graveyard and saw them doing there own thing. Taylor kept ranting about her day and how she met Delilah and Crystal, Ben just listened, Ashlyn and Aiden chatted about the movie. Logan and Tyler were snickering about Ashlyn and Aiden secretly shipping them. Ashlyn couldn't not hear them which was probably a good thing.

I'm done with this episode it a lot longer then my first one so yeah

Word count: 530

Hope you have a good day, afternoon or night :)

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