Chapter 49 This Mapo Tofu is too spicy

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When I was sorting out "For Life", I carefully reviewed all the details from the first dream I had after being hit on the head to the last dream a few days ago, and found that Xiao Chao was really weird.

In the past, I always thought that my actions changed the future, which led me to death again and again. But if what I see is not the future at all, but parallel time and space, then the opportunity for me to "dream" is also What a coincidence.

For the time being, the world with my mother is considered the main world. Only this world is coherent in content, and it is also the world I have "seen" the most. As soon as I leave the main line, Xiaochao will take action, as if... he must bring me and He Nanyuan together.

It was like there was a giant hand controlling everything, pushing me forward. What is Superboy's true form? Could it be someone from a parallel universe? What is the purpose of the other party doing this? I don't know anything about it.

"Hey..." I sat astride the chair, supporting the back of the chair with my elbows. I supported my chin and sighed longly at He Nanyuan's table.

Earlier, before I could break up He Nanyuan, or later, when we could no longer be separated, I wouldn't have had to suffer so much, so why did it happen at this time?

I looked at the ceiling and complained to some "monitor" who might exist in the void: "A good person will do his best to send Buddha to the West. What's going on if you give half of it and leave me behind?"

The air was quiet, and there was no metaphysical scene that distorted space.

I sighed forcefully again, feeling more anxious every minute than the last during the twenty-minute wait.

He Nanyuan will definitely be very angry, he can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

I buried my face in my arms. Damn it, why do I have to confess? Can't you just be a despicable person? Anyway, the purpose of being with him from the beginning was quite despicable.

Why don't we talk about it later? Wait until not so easily angry.

Thinking about it, I stood up from the chair and reached out to the book "For Life" on He Nanyuan's table with a clear purpose...

As soon as I reached the door, the door opened.

He Nanyuan came in from the outside with a slight sweat on her temples. When she saw me, she was stunned for a moment, then she put her hand to my forehead and said, "I thought you were going to come over later today. Are you feeling better?"

I always had a low fever and a cough that refused to get better. Wang Fang was afraid that if I coughed and coughed, I would develop pneumonia, so she sent me to a big hospital for a checkup. She said that one of her students used to be like this, and a minor illness would turn into a serious one, eventually leading to I didn’t even do well in the college entrance examination.

I was really tired of coughing, so I went back to Guo's house on Friday. Yesterday, Guo Rui took me straight to the emergency department. The film showed that there was indeed inflammation in the lungs, but because it was discovered in time, it was not serious. Considering that I was a student, the doctor only gave me fluids for two days, and then prescribed oral medicine.

"It's just a little cold, it's okay." I turned away and glanced at the "For Life" on his desk, thinking about whether I should grab it and run away before he noticed.

During the struggle, He Nanyuan took one step ahead of me and picked up the pages.

"What is this?" He frowned and stared at the cover for a moment, then turned to the first page, "A novel you wrote?"

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