once upin a time ar reading festival mark saw a bunch of mud n his eyes turned into hearts as he said "oh my golly gosh😍😍" he ran over to the mud and slid in it like spme woodstock 94 tyoe shit until he was fully clvered in mud rhen suddenly LES CLAYPOOL FROM PRIMUS APPEARWD OUT OF NO WHERE N YRLLED "OH MY GOD PRIMUS REFERENXE🤯🤯🤯" n then ge fucoing died ohh so sad😢 the rest of mydhomeu came over to mwrk n all bulied him for loving mud💔💔 then matk turned into his full alpha furry coyote fursona transition and started throwing mud at rhem while barkinh and growling at them like a rsbid dog until dan matt n steve wre all dead on the ground😿😿 once mud n mark were alone they started making out untol sometyjing sad n tragic happrned.. the mud got into marks esophagus n fuciing choked him out before he died of lack of oxygen😢😢😢💔💔💔
the end😇🙏
mark arm x mud😍😍
Romancethis is for my mutusl on insta rhys yw pooks😇🙏 mark is a furry in this btw