3. "Drive"

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It was crystal clear Seungmin and Chan's relationship had changed. It shifted to a more intimate form, they were obviously more affectionate with eachother when the eyes of others weren't constantly on them.

If you had to put it into words maybe the label for their relationship so far could be called 'Friends with Benefits', because they haven't yet got the chance to settle everything.

Surprisingly none of the others members has asked anything. Chan being affectionate and clingy towards people wasn't uncommon, neither was Seungmin's acceptance of his form of expressing love.


The staff organized a small group trip, mainly to film more content and have the boys participate in small fun games. That meaning, during the whole trip their privacy levels were down to almost nonexistent.

It shouldn't have troubled Chan that much as it did. With all the cameras around the vacation house the bathroom was their only free space.

"You won't die if you won't fuck me three days." whispered Seungmin in Chan's ear. They were already in their cars waiting to arrive at the destination.

"What if I do?" Chan gave Seungmin his best puppy eyes yet Seungmin wasn't even looking at him anymore, admiring the beautiful landscape out the window.

They arrived shortly at a really beautiful cottage at the edge of a lively forest, not far away from a small town. You could get there pretty fast by taking the car.

After a first day of constant filming and acting what everybody needed was a nice shower and a good sleep.

Chan tried to fall asleep, he really did. He tossed and turned, and in the end he gave up on falling asleep all together.

He decided the best way to maybe clear his mind was to take a short night drive to a nonstop in the town nearby. He carefully crept out of his shared room with Changbin to go downstairs and take his keys, but he was greeted by someone who had the same problem as him.

It was Seungmin.

Seungmin was laying on the couch in the small living room just mindlessly scrolling on his phone.

Chan crept behind the boy, he seemed like he hadn't noticed Chan's presence.

"Boo!" said Chan in a low voice to scare Seungmin, which worked, Seungmin was startled.

"You scared the shit out of me, what are doing?" he scolded Chan while turning to look at him.

"I can't sleep and decide to drive into the town nearby." said Chan motioning with his hand towards the door. "I see you can't either. Wanna come with me?" he suggested.

Seungmin agreed and they took off.

During the ride Chan's hand shifted from holding Seungmin's thigh or hand and actually driving the car. Although Seungmin didn't put a lot of thought into it he started to notice the way Chan's hand went up his thigh with each move. It drove Seungmin insase, to the point were he could feel his pants tightening.

He couldn't take it anymore, when he saw an empty parking lot he demanded for Chan to stop there.

"Why did you want me to stop all of a sudden?" asked Chan.

It didn't take him long to find the answer as Seungmin made his way right onto his lap.

Chan's hands immediately found their way to his ass, their favorite place.

They locked their lips into a passionate kiss without any more questions. Seungmin's hands wondered down from Chan's collar to his pants, slowly unzipping the closed zipper and pull back the second layer of cloth that covered his dick. In that moment Chan stopped him.

"I have a better idea." said Chan while
pushing Seungmin a little further from him, making his back press on the steering wheel.

Seugmin didn't understand what Chan's idea was, but he was willing to do what he was told.

"Sit here, be pretty and just watch me." smirked Chan.

He grabbed his half erected dick to slowly jerk it right under Seungmin's stare. He wanted Seungmin to sit and watch him do it.

Chan noticed Seungmin try to release his own erection out of pants but Chan grabbed both his hands with his free hand to hold them in place. It was torture at this point for Seungmin.

The pleasure made Chan shiver, constantly not being able to control his thoughts, it was obvious who made him this way.

"Seungmin..fuck." Chan moaned constantly.

Seungmin was just staring at him, his own head was blurry, any form of clarity was long gone. If Chan kept him like that for more he would've ended up finishing in his pants, without any friction, but thankfully before Chan could reach his orgasm he pulled down Seungmin's sweats and started jerking them both.

Seungmin finished first, as Chan focused more on Seungmin than on himself after that. Still panting and breathing heavily they reconnected their lips back together, to enjoy more of eachother as much as possible.

"Why didn't you just let me ride you?" Seungmin broke the kiss.

"I have no condoms with me and we for sure couldn't have cleaned that up properly." explained Chan while trying to catch Seungmin's lips back.

The time flew like it ment nothing, only when Chan opened his eyes did he realize the time that showed big on the car's screen, it was three AM.

"We should get back."
Seungmin was already beginning to get tired so he got back into his seat. He almost fell asleep on the drive back.

Before entering the cottage Seungmin grabbed Chan's sleeve to stop him.

"Wanna sleep with me tonight?" suggested Seungmin, shyly. Chan smiled at the cute act the younger put before him, he couldn't refuse him like that.

"I want to, but what about the cameras?"

"A problem for tomorrow, we'll deal with them after."

Although, they haven't anticipated Jisung running around in every room to wake everyone up.

He had found them cuddled up against eachother sleeping peacefully, Chan's head practically buried in Seungmin's chest with his arms around Seungmin's waist.

"How did these two end up like this?" Jisung asked Jeongin, who woke up way before Jisung could get to him.

"No idea, I went to sleep alone last night because Seung said he wasn't tired and woke up with Chan snuggled next to him." explained Jeongin.

"No wonder one car was gone in the middle of the night."

"They went out together?"

"I think so, Chan probably couldn't fall asleep too, since he's an insomniac."

They decided to let the two sleep some more for Chan to catch up more on his sleep, it was better that way since they had the morning to themselves.

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