Mr. Sassy Pants

198 17 9

No CWs!

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Scott felt uneasy as he watched Grian and Joel played a game of chess whilst Martyn read him a story, the ship rocking with the powerful wind outside of the cabin. He was getting massive deja vu.

"Checkmate!" Grian shouted, standing up to do a victory dance as he beat Joel (again). "Suck on that, boat boy!"

Joel groaned. "I don't wanna do your chores," he whined. "I never should've made that bet. I always lose to you."

Grian smirked. "That's because I'm a tactical genius and you, my dear brother, have more brawn than brain," he said, making Joel furious. The brunette stood up and started shouting nonsense, which only made Grian laugh.

"'And finally, she lived ever after,'" Martyn read, stealing Scott's attention from Joel's tantrum, "'and never worried again about her father. The end.'" He yawned. "Boring."

"I think it was a good story," Scott said distractedly, pondering why this situation felt so familiar.

"It's an old folktale," Martyn said with a shrug. "Not much real story to it." He grinned. "You know what's a really good story, though? The Colliny."

Scott froze. "The... Colliny?"

Martyn nodded his head. "Mhm. It's about this man who has really cool ice powers that-"

"-makes friends with a bunch of yetis and names them all Collin," Scott finished, his voice sounding as if he were in a trance, monotone and void of emotion. "You told me that before..."

"Have I?" Martyn asked, tilting his head and looking up at the ceiling as he thought, then he shrugged. "Maybe. I don't remember. Anyway, I should totally read it to you some time. It's super cool. No pun intended."

Scott didn't respond, a flood of random memories coming back to him in a flash of visions, and Martyn frowned.

"Are you oka-"

"He's going to find me," Scott said, sounding paranoid as he made eye contact with Martyn now. "The storm, Grian and Joel playing chess, you reading to me- It's all happened before," he said with tears in his eyes, worrying the blonde. "I was drowning, Martyn. He found me and he drowned me. He's going to kill me!" Scott stood up as he said this, urgency in his voice and actions.

Martyn shook his head. "No one is going to kill you," he said gently. "You're safe. And you can't drown anyway, so you'll be fine." His expression softened when Scott let out a soft cry. "Scott, look at me. It'll be okay. We'll protect you, I promise."

Scott sniffled. "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." Martyn held out his little finger and Scott held out his, the two of them locking their fingers together to symbolise the promise Martyn made. "Feel better?"

"A little..."

"Well, we have more books if you want me to read to you some more," Martyn said, yawning. "Or I could teach you some games."

Scott's eyes lit up at the sound of games. "I want to learn your human games."

.•● 𓇼 ●•.

"Wait, why are the points bad?" Scott asked, tilting his head as he took the cards from the centre of the table. "I thought points were good."

Grian shook his head. "Nope, you want to have the least amount of points possible," he said, then he leaned over to look at the cards Scott collected. "You have two points." He pointed to the three of hearts and the four of hearts. "Which isn't bad if you don't get any more for the rest of the round. Which you won't, as long as you put down cards lower than the original card or a different suit than the original card."

Scott blinked. "Say that again?"

Snorting, Martyn said, "You'll get the hang of it, trust me. It doesn't take long to understand how to play."

"You're telling this to someone who's never even heard of card games before," Scott reminded Martyn. "I don't even know what a suit is. Is it the colour?"

"No, it's the shape on the card."

"This is too complicated," Scott whined, throwing his cards down on the table. "I don't like this game." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Next."

Joel stared incredulously at Scott, surprised at the boy's tone of voice. "Entitled much?"

Scott furrowed his brows at Joel. "Excuse me?"

"You're talking like we're your servants," Joel said with a laugh. "We're finishing this game whether you want to or not, Princess. Then you can learn another one."

Scott's face turned red in anger as he sat up straight. "Princess?"

Martyn and Grian shared worried looks. Martyn had never seen Scott look or heard him sound so angry before, and Grian had never heard Joel get so sassy before. Both of which weren't unusual for either of them, but they seemed extra angry and sassy.

"You heard me," Joel taunted, looking unbothered.

"Would a princess do this?" Scott stood up and slammed the heel of his shoe down on Joel's bare foot, making him squeal in surprise.

"Scott!" Martyn said, gasping when Joel retaliated by slapping Scott across the face.

"Joel!" Grian shouted.

"I think a princess would," Joel huffed. "A petty one who thinks they're better than the people who are giving them a place to stay because they're poor and homeless."

Grian frowned. "Joel, that's enough-"

"No," Scott interrupted, staring in pure anger at the brunette. "I think Joel needs to be taught a lesson about crossing paths with the Prince of the Coral Isles."

Martyn and Grian looked at each other. Uh oh...

Joel paused, quirking a brow at Scott, before laughing. "You? Prince of the Coral Isles? Tell me another joke." Scott punched him in the stomach, though he had no reaction to the weak attack. "Funny, tell me another."

Scott scowled at Joel. "You're such a- You're such a dick!" he shouted, then ran away toward the cabins.

"Joel, you're a fucking idiot," Martyn said angrily, shoving past the brunette to follow Scott out of the room.

Joel scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I don't know what I did," he said. "I'm not the one that claims to be a siren prince."

Grian sighed. "You really are a massive idiot."

.•● 𓇼 ●•.

"Wait, what?"

Grian nodded, and Joel shook his head.

"You mean to tell me Scott is actually a siren prince," Joel said slowly, "of the Coral Isles?"

Grian nodded again. "But don't tell Aunt Cleo or Uncle Bdubs, okay?" he asked. "Scott would kill all of us if you told them."

Joel quirked a brow. "Why doesn't he want them to know?"

Grian sighed. "You're stupid," he said.


"Because we're bounty hunters and he's a siren prince." Grian gave him a look that said 'you totally should've known that.'

Joel's mouth formed an 'o' and he nodded in understanding. "Riiiiiiight," he said. "Guess I forgot about that part."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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