Ten Trines Later

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As the seasons came and went, so have the trines. And soon enough the small baby that was found in the castle had grown to a childling. Ten of age, which meant that the young Omerya should be old enough to be titled and welcomed as a member of the court. Sure, her christening was to welcome her as the heir of the Skeksis, but her Titlement Ceremony was to officially grant her a place among the court. Giving her royal duties that both the Emperor and all of Thra would come to have great expectations for.

As the dawn of the Skeksis princess's Titlement Ceremony came along, preparations had to be made. Something SkekZok started to worry about when it came to his adopted daughter. It seems that while Omerya had grown, she still had yet to mature. The girl often found herself getting into mischief and showed quite a disregard for certain rules she knew her father wanted her to obey. In this instance, her being on her best behavior before and during the ceremony. This was a problem SkekZok tried to control, but even his words did not seem to work. This was something many of the other Skeksis had taken a great notice of.

"Big day for Ritual Master." SkekSil said as he and SkekZok walked down the halls of the castle. "Titlement Ceremony has not occurred in many trine. But, princess is independent and can prove troublesome. Could spoil the special day, hmm? Would displease Emperor."

"I assure you, Omerya will be on her best behavior." SkekZok told him. "She will not disappoint anyone. Especially the Emperor."


The two lords stopped in their tracks to see one of the Podling slaves quickly pushing away a cart full of food rather frantically. Running behind it was a Gelfling childling; A blonde-haired and freckled-faced Vapran girl, wearing blue and lavender clothes and was grinning mischievously as she chased after the Podling slave. No doubt wanting to steal a few snacks from the cart, herself, as this wasn't the first time the childling was seen doing such a thing.

"Come back here!" the Vapran laughed at the frightened slave.

The two Skeksis lords rolled their eyes at this immature act. This particular Gelfling was the daughter of one of the castle guards and was supposed to be with the other young Gelflings to train with SkekVar in order to become a guard for when she was older. Unfortunately, this Vapran girl proved to be one of the many independent and free-spirited of the next generation of castle guards. So much so that only one other childling joined the girl in her attempt to collect the food from the Podling slave.

"Mira!" a young childling dressed in gold and mauve robes ran after the Vapran girl. "Wait for me!"

SkekZok's attention shot right towards this strange childling and his expression shifted into one of both fury and disappointment. "Omerya!"

The girl stopped in her tracks as she nervously turned around to see the disappointed Skeksis lord. "Yes, Master?"

"What have I told you about chasing after the Podling slaves?" SkekZok scolded as he folded his talons.

"'It's beneath a Skeksis lord'." the girl bowed her head in defeat.

"Yes." the Ritual Master nodded, still bearing a disapproving scowl on his rotting face.

The girl looked up at the Ritual Master. "But, Papa-"

"Beloved princess," the Chamberlain interjected. "You are young Lord of Crystal, and you must-"

"I was talking to my master." she snapped as she folded her arms. "You're not important in the conversation, Chamberlain."

"Omerya, do not patronize him." SkekZok told her.

"It's not my fault he can't keep his nosy beak out of other Skeksis' business." Omerya turned her nose upward.

SkekSil gave a small growl at that comment. Normally, he wouldn't allow himself to be insulted by the other lords of the Crystal, but Omerya? This childling has been nothing but rude to him ever since she first laid eyes upon him. And what did he deserve to earn such disrespect? Especially from a weak and little childling. She poses no threat to him. The Chamberlain knew this, and that little brat better know this sooner or later.

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