after stream chats rae+hasan

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As Hasan lays his head on Rachel's stomach, she runs her fingers through his hair, enjoying the closeness between them. "You know, you make it hard to focus on my stream when you're here," Rachel teases, a playful glint in her eyes.

Hasan looks up at her with a grin. "I can't help it if I'm irresistible," he quips, his tone light and teasing.

Rachel chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to Hasan's forehead. "You're lucky I find your distractions endearing," she says affectionately.

They stay like that for a while, enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence.  

Eventually, Hasan breaks the quiet with a soft sigh, lifting his head from Rachel's stomach to meet her gaze. "You know, Rae, I've been thinking..." he begins, his expression turning thoughtful.

Rachel quirks an eyebrow, curious about what's on Hasan's mind. "What's up?" she asks gently, reaching out to intertwine her fingers with his.

Hasan takes a deep breath, his eyes searching Rachel's face. "I know we've both been busy with our own things lately, but I miss us," he admits, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I miss just being together, like this, without any distractions."

Rae heart squeezes at Hasan's words, realizing that she's been so caught up in her work that she hasn't been giving their relationship the attention it deserves. "I miss that too, Hasan," she confesses, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "I promise to make more time for us."

Feeling a renewed sense of connection between them, Rachel returns the kiss with equal tenderness, knowing that no matter how busy life gets, she'll always make time for the person who means the most to her.

As Hasan's lips meet Rachel's, a wave of warmth and affection washes over her. She melts into the kiss, feeling the weight of Hasan's words lift from her shoulders. Pulling back slightly, she gazes into his eyes, her own filled with love and determination.

"I promise, Hasan," Rachel whispers, her voice barely above a breath. "From now on, I'll make sure we have plenty of time together, just you and me."

They sit there for a while longer, basking in the warmth of each other's presence. Hasan leans his head back onto Rachel's stomach, content to simply be close to her. Rachel strokes his hair lovingly, feeling a sense of peace settle over her.

"I love you, Hasan," Rachel whispers, the words feeling like a promise of forever.

Hasan lifts his head to meet her gaze, his eyes shining with love. "And I love you, Rea," he replies, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead.

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