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(UNKNOWN artist for piece above)
After the burglar returned their home to them Gandalf decided once they were settled with beds and food, he would take Bilbo home to the Shire.

The Company had become more fond of Thorin, because reader, Thorin had begun to stare at Bilbo when he was not aware. He smiled whenever Bilbo had did something embarrassing. He started to fall for the hobbit. But He began to stare at the walls of the mountain at night and it became known that there was something that he wanted more than gold. And it was about to slip from his very fingertips.

One specifically dark evening he sat up on his blanket and stared at Bilbo's sleeping face. He admired the way his eyelashes rested on his pale skin. It wasn't pale enough for him to hate the color, but just enough to make him regret his harsh words.

"Why don't you say something?" Gandalf appeared beside him.

"He would never accept me." Thorin sighed, picking up a golden goblet and tossing it far into the other riches.

"You never know." The wizard smiled smugly at the king.

"And if he does- what if I hurt him?"

"You won't." Gandalf stepped out of his view, pondering about.

After watching Bilbo for a couple of hours, he saw a movement come from him. His heart lurched as he thought the hobbit was awakening. He was so wrong. Oh so wrong. The Hobbit didn't make a sound, but he kicked out and swung.

Thorin took this as a nightmare and he was right. He brought the Hobbit to his bedroll but he didn't awaken.

He shook his shoulders, and placed one hand under his head and one falling limp at his side. Bilbo's eyes snapped open and he gasped.

"Sorry. Sorry!" He whispered, trying to get away.

"No I'm sorry halfling. I made a big mistake. Bilbo Baggins. And I Intend to fixit." He brought Bilbo's face to his chest, gently wrapping his arms around him in a hug, and Bilbo felt warm. He felt like he was back in the shire, sitting in his favorite armchair.

Thorin sang an unknown song quietly for the hobbit, while wrapping a blanket around the tiny creature.

Bilbo couldn't help it, so he closed his eyes and leaned into the king, nuzzling his head deeper into the fur of his coat.

The company didn't let them know that they were watching, but all of them were smiling, while Fili and Kili held each other and Balin was on the bridge of tears.

"Thank God." Bofur whispered with a sweet smile.

Thorin looked up at his company with glassy eyes. He nearly lost himself. His hobbit in his arms. But surely Bilbo didn't know that Thorin wanted the hobbit to be his...


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