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Ronnie looked up at the gravelly sound of Cho's voice accompanied by the fresh, wafting scent of Old Spice. Her partner entered the kitchen in blue jeans and a black t-shirt, hair dripping from a shower. He padded closer in socked feet to where she leaned over the island, sipping on a peanut-butter-color protein smoothie.

Cho's gaze trailed from her French braided hair, compression shirt, and bicycle shorts, to her running shoes. "You went running?" He checked his watch and noted that it was only five-forty. When she nodded, unable to talk past the smoothie straw in her mouth, he shuffled past her to the counter by the window and fell still at the realization that their borrowed home didn't have a coffee pot.

Sighing disappointedly, he turned and leaned against the sink. "Should we go for breakfast?"

She dumped her smoothie cup in the sink and clapped a hand to his shoulder as she exited the kitchen. "I'll go get changed."


Cho pulled her chair out at a five-star bakery in town that didn't sell anything for less than twelve dollars. Settling in carefully, tucking her heeled feet behind a table leg and checking the time on her watch, Ronnie set a mental timer for the forty minutes she had before she needed to head to the club to meet Jackie.

"Running and a spin class?" Cho commented when he noticed. "What's stressing you out?"

She paused in laying her napkin over her lap. "What makes you think I'm stressed?"

He sipped from a fourteen dollar coffee. "You always run when you're stressed."

"But I don't only run when I'm stressed." She refuted, taking in the atmosphere. The bakery sat in the middle of a vineyard estate, with enough windows to be almost entirely sunlit with a modern rustic style. She wished there was one closer to Sacramento. It was the prettiest room she'd ever had breakfast in.

When she refocused on her own table, Cho was watching her. "So, what's stressing you out?"

She shrugged. "The FBI is coming to get my help on Carla's open operations." Her eyes kept flitting around the room as though someone from the club was going to walk in and overhear her conversation about her felonious mother. "Exonerated or not, I'm not exactly proud of my past involvement with her."

The lines between her partner's eyebrows deepened as he frowned in disbelief. "She coerced and forced you into your involvement, not to mention all the things she let others force upon you." He caught the way her skin paled in reaction to his words, and reached out to cover her hand with his own. "Don't get sucked back in. We're here for you."

Months of therapy following her escape from her mother's regime came flooding back to the forefront of her mind. All of it seemed pointless in the face of having to jump back into her mother's head and unearth more of the horrors that she'd made her life's work.

Ronnie Masters | the MENTALIST (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now