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God. I hate school. There's all these places each kid fits in. There's the jocks, the popular kids, cheerleaders, athletes, and the freaks. I would say I'm a freak, but no- I don't even fit in there. It's so stupid. One minute everyone loves me, and the next... I'm nobody. I don't fit with the other boys here, and even if I changed myself fully, I wouldn't. Not if I cut my hair, joined a club or sport. Nothing. 

"Hey champ!" someone yells from behind me. I turn to see Aaron. Aaron McDaniels. Hot basketball player that all the preppy girls want. Maybe even some outcast girls too. If I was a girl, he'd be last on my list. So basic. Anyways, back to what I was saying... He was waving at someone... Me? Nah, he wouldn't. I glance around, and look back at him.

"Uh.... Hi?" I reply, hoping I don't look like an idiot saying this to him. Oh no, but I do. He was waving at Jack. Another popular dude. Not super good in the looks but he's funny. He runs over to Jack, throwing his hand out so Jack'll dab him up.

I glance around the classroom. Everyone is with their friends. Girls with girls. Guys with guys. Girls with guys. Guys with girls. Everyone has their own place.

I don't know...

Where do I belong...?

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