Chapter Two

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I looked at Dani.

"Ew.." I said and put my hands up in defense, slowly backing away. "Eli... She's ugly." I say, Eli glares at me and looks at Dani. 

"She's real good in bed, though." Eli suggests. My face heats up. Was that the only reason he liked her? Disgusting. Dani smirks and Eli and grabs her hoodie off the couch. 

"Babydoll... I'm heading home. See ya." She says and leans in, kissing him WITH HER TONGUE. I feel like I vomited in my mouth.

After she walks out, I look at Eli. He smirks at me. "She's so fucking ugly, dude. Ugh and she sucks in bed." Eli says, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm only 15... I don't want to know this shit..." I say, covering my mouth. 
"When you're older you'll understand." Eli says.

"No I won't." I say, rolling my eyes. 

"Yes you will."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will!"
"I WON'T!" I growl. Eli lunges at me, pinning me against the couch, and beginning to play fight with me. "Eli! We're too old for this!" I shout, but he covers my mouth and smirks. 

"Never too old to fight your annoying sibling! Or are you just scared?" Eli asks, punching me slightly in the arm. 
"I am not scared of you, dickhead!" I yell, shoving him off me. He flies off me, hitting the back of the couch. He shakes a bit and looks at me.

"Woah. Short temper and you're strong. You should join like basketball or something. Or like wrestling." Eli says, smirking at me and standing up.

"Wait what?" I ask, sitting up, looking up at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, totally." He says sarcastically.

"More like you should join band or some weird as fuck nerd shit." Eli chuckles deviously, before walking back up to his room. I groan, rolling my eyes. Band kids weren't so weird... Were they? Besides I had to join in 9th. I can't join now. Too late. He really thought I was going to be a band nerd? I might as well try to do chorus if that is what he thinks. Or ballet. For guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2024 ⏰

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