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His hand comes to rest upon your bouncing knee for the third time in the span of 15 minutes, settling your fidgeting with a gentle reassurance. You meet his gaze and smile. "I can't help it," you whisper. "I'm just..."

"Excited. Anxious. Nervous." Yoongi smiles, straight lipped with his bread cheeks puffing adorably. "I know. Me too." He takes your hand, interlacing your fingers with his own, and places it back on your knee, his thumb rubbing slowly along yours. You feel the rough calluses on his fingers, evidence of the guitar lessons he's recently resumed. Part of you understands that him taking your hand is in an effort to calm his nerves as well; you had noticed that in the 20 minutes or so you'd been in the waiting room, he stopped himself at least 6 times from bringing his hand to his mouth to gnaw at the skin around his nails - an anxious habit that he had. You feel a wave of comfort and security wash over you as it always tends to do, feeling his energy calm you slightly.

You look around at the 3 other occupants of the OBGYN section of the hospital. Another couple sits a few seats down, the woman visibly pregnant - if you had to guess, maybe 6 or 7 months, though you wouldn't bet any money on that. The other one an older woman, perhaps in her 40s, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit and chunky gold jewelry. You wonder if she was perhaps just stopping in for her annual exam before heading off to an important business meeting.

Glancing at the table next to you where a stack of various Parenting and Motherhood magazines lay stacked haphazardly you pick up the top one, flipping through it with your free hand. You just need something to do, something to help calm your mind.

9 weeks. Accordingly to online experts, your baby is now about the size of a strawberry. Yoongi loves strawberries and he has made sure every morning to tell your belly this fun fact - even going so far as to reassure them that as much as he loves tangerines, strawberries have a special place in his heart. If they didn't, Uncle Seokjin would kick his ass. You are then obligated to interrupt and chide him to watch his language around his child, upon which he amends "sorry...kick my butt."


You both look up immediately at the nurse who just spoke up and Yoongi replies a quick "Yeah," in acknowledgement. Leaving the magazine on the table, you both stand up, following her into the exam room. Directing Yoongi to a stool on the other side of you, she instructs you to have a seat on the examination table, and after checking your vitals and taking some notes, asks you some routine questions ("How are you feeling?", "Any nausea? Dizziness? Headaches?" - to which your answers were "Pretty good", "No", "No", and "No"), she gives you a folded paper sheet and instructs you to get undressed from the waist down, letting you know the doctor will be in shortly to see you. Yoongi is quiet as you undress, taking your jeans and then your underwear from you, folding it carefully and setting it on an extra chair in the corner before coming back to your side. He takes your hand again, helping you adjust the sheet over your lap. "So...we'll be able to see them today?" he asks.

You squeeze his hand. "Yeah. From what I read we should be able to make out their arms or legs. And we should be able to hear the heartbeat."

He hums thoughtfully. "I was actually thinking it'd be really cool to record it and see if I could fit it into one of my songs somewhere."

You roll your eyes but smile nonetheless. Count on him to be thinking of work every second of every day. Before you could answer, a knock sounds at the door, and your doctor steps in.

"Hello, how are you both?" he greets you, his usual gruff tone not showing even a hint of warmth. His assistant, however, follows close behind, smiling at you.

You manage a small smile back, your nerves in full force. "Doing great. Eager to see the little guy - um...or gal, I don't know." you chuckle nervously and felt Yoongi squeeze your hand gently. You glance at him, again allowing his reassuring smile to ground you.

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