Chapter 6

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The next morning in class, I was in quite the bad mood. I was too cranky to really teach anything valuable but had too much of a coffee buzz to take a nap. I still should've just hid in my sleeping bag and ignored everyone until lunch came around. When it did, a concerned Okihime came up to me while I had my head down, resting it on my lectern. "Aizawa-sensei, are you okay?" I raised my head to look at her lazily before plopping it back on the lectern. "Did something happen with Present Mic-sensei?" she asked, trying to find out what had changed my mood.

Just hearing his name made the thoughts from the night prior come crawling back in my head. I still felt like shit about kissing him like I had. It was wrong and cowardly to do it while he was sleeping and it was weak of me to give into temptation. Maybe it was the reason I was in such a bad mood that day.

"Nothing happened, I'm just cranky today," I answered, giving her an excuse so she wouldn't ask anymore questions. With that, she left with a look of concern, leaving me to wallow in self hate. It was then I heard footsteps approaching me. I wondered if she had come back and if so, why? Did she leave something behind? "You alright?" a voice asked. It sure wasn't Okihime coming back, nor Inazuma coming to taunt me, it was Hizashi.

I lifted my head to see him, not far from my face, leaning down to face me. "I heard you were acting weird today and thought I'd check on you," he said, smiling faintly. Great, I thought, of all people to bother me while I have my emo moment. "I'm fine, just cranky today," I told him, hoping he'd buy it too. Of course, because he was Hizashi, he bought it, and then stood normally. "Wanna grab lunch then?" he asked, now knowing I was "fine." I couldn't really reject him, because when you lived with someone, you sure couldn't avoid them.


He grabbed me some lunch and we sat in a quiet corner of the teachers' office. I wasn't especially paying attention to what Hizashi was saying, but he was talking as if I was. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he asked "so, uh, if it's not too personal, what're you into? Like, as far as people?" WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS COMING FROM, I panickedly thought. He couldn't have known about the kiss, so why would he be asking me that? I looked over to see him with the smallest tint of pink on his cheeks. Maybe he does know, I wondered. If he knows about the kiss, why wait until now to mention it?

"I was just wondering since, y'know, I was talking about it a while ago. I was just curious where you stand," he explained. It was relieving not to hear him say "I know you kissed me while I was asleep last night," but still, what was I supposed to say to that? If I told him the truth, what if he suspected that I might like him? But if I tried to be secretive, he would definitely suspect that I might like him. What if I just told him I was straight? Would he even have bought it? But if I said I was gay, would he have thought I liked him? Or would he have been creeped out, thinking that I only accepted to let him stay with me because he was a dude? What do I say, what do I say, WHAT THE FUCK DO I SAY?

In a panicked rush, I blurted out "I like both, I guess." For the love of God, I thought, please buy it and then leave it alone. I glanced over at him to see if he had any reaction to it. His face looked both surprised and completely unmoved. "Huh, cool," was all he had to say. With that, he got up, said "cya later," and got ready for his next class.

"Huh, cool?" "HUH, COOL?" I ALMOST HAD A GODDAMN HEART ATTACK JUST FOR A "HUH, COOL!?" I felt relieved yet I would forever question why he asked me that only to reply with "huh, cool."


He never asked me to elaborate on "what I was into," not even when we were on our way home, which only made me continue to think about it. What is the significance, I thought, of the information I've given him? What could he need that information for? I kept on glancing over at him, but he just sat there in the passenger side, doing God knows what on his phone, twirling a strand of hair. What is he plotting, I wondered. Even once we got to the house, Hizashi was still emotionless, like a lifeless robot that didn't have any idea the havoc he had reeked on my mind. It was like he wanted me to overthink things.

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