Chapter 4 - This is only the beginning...

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Dr. Strange came running in as she fell on her knees holding her head.
He grabbed her and held her up.
"Don't let....ahhhhhh" She yelled out in pain once more.
Loki had heard her this time and came running down the hall.

"What's going on??!!" He ran up to them.
"She is having another headache.  I came in and she was falling off the couch. Now she was trying to tell me something but the pain got to intense"
"Here let me..." Loki got in front of Jamie and grabbed her on each side of the head.
She instantly started calming down and opened her eyes. She was staring right into Loki's.
"Than...thank did you???"
He calmly sighed and gently smiled. "I have the ability to help heal when others need it. How do you feel?"
He helped her sit on the couch and sat next to her, holding her hand.
"I feel a little woozy some, but other than headache is gone...for now."
She looked down at her hand and back up to look at Loki.
"You're Loki right?"
He couldn't help but stare into those deep emerald eyes. He shivered some when she said his name.
"Yes, I am." He gently pulled his hand back and stood up.
"Umm well this might sound odd...and I don't even know what it was...."
Loki turned around to face her.
"What is it? I'm pretty sure I've heard odder things"
Jamie looked down at her hands and closed her eyes.
"He told me to tell Loki that this was just the beginning..."
Loki stiffened and clenched both fists as he looked at Dr. Strange.
"Who told you that?" He asked with panic in his voice.
She looked up at his shakey and with fear in her eyes. 
"He said his name was Thanos and said he would be back to finish. I told him to go to hell and that's when my pain got more intense."
Loki couldn't help but smile at her fiestyness...even when she was faced with one of the most powerful beings...she still stood her ground and didn't let him get to her.
He then turned to Strange.
"We got less time than we thought...."

Steven turned towards Jamie.
"I...I need you to know that I do love you as my sister. But there are things that *I* hid from keep you safe...and we need to talk...but one thing, you can only be mad at me."
Jamie looked at him some confused and some angry.
"I knew there was no car accident...I been looking for a long time and nothing....what happened to me?!
Strange just stood there quietly without making eye contact with her.
Her eyes started getting a little bit of amber mixed in and she stood up and was staring at Dr. Strange.
"Tell me now Steven!"
Loki came up behind her and gently grabbed her arm.
"We will tell you anything you need to know...or want to know...but please relax."
Jamie turned to look at Loki.
"But he lied to me...he ....he..." She took off towards outside. "I'll be one follow me...except you...." She points at Loki.
Loki followed her outside to the deck.

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