regretful acceptence

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As i was close to a friend i supose i was getting to comftrble with him tho i just saw him as any other friend,  during a vacation i stayed over by my grandma and grandma with my lil brother, whzn during an evening i was half aweke when i got a message of that same friend proposi g they liekd me true the phone. I dint realise how i could say no instead of yes. But as you geused i said yes to bei g his gf witch i soon regretted cus i told the dude to keep it secret from evribody witch, he never dit. Winout 2 days passing by the whole school knew.

There were alweys days when he asked me we would kiss on valentine's but i was never cormfteboll with that, tho he kept insisting and insisting. I never gave it to him, ....tho...he has touched me bifore yes...but it was supposed to be just a hangout sinds okey i vergot to mention our "dating" dinr even last 3 days so i tought of him as a friend again tho i was more ddistance this time.

Later that year he had many gf's but he alweys told me he still loved me and thats wat made me get more distand alweys with him. He had moments when he texted me pictures i dint even wanne see, and even asked if i wanted to be in a call while he fucked his one of the so many gf's keep in mind- i was 13 and insecure of being arround him cus of everithing already.

But it never stopped so when i dit get cormfteboll arround him i drove 2 houes on bike going up and down on streets to get to his house. When ariving there we went to his room and not much zfter- k guess he somhow had confinced me to let him touch- me.... tho he only used his fingers i was so uncormftebol that whole day. I dint last an hour in his house and went home  imidiëntly.

I mean afte that he still called me- and well somhow that call ended one time with him- masterbating himself while i also was on Call tho at that time- i dint know wat to responds..

Few years pass and he sends me he's gay, i supported him- but i ditn like that he sended me- video's of him fucking himself- with some fake dildo toys and i never saved them eather i delited those from the chat. After that- it was a final time it was the end. Tho he repeated he alweys misses me and wat he would have done to me, were still friends but im taking the right choices now. I wont be that young fool again.

Im 17 and living a better life unlike how ive felt when i was 13 till 16 years old.

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