Chapter 5: Hard Truths

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That night was restless. It seemed like almost no one was able to sleep. One of them was Kiryu. Though his fellow cyborgs did not typically sleep, Kiryu still enjoyed the peaceful relaxation and rest that sleep provided. Jet and Moguera never understood it. But that night, something was keeping Kiryu awake. He kept having flashbacks. Specifically, flashbacks his first time rising out of the ocean, his first time meeting and defeating Ghidorah, defeating SpaceGodzilla, and finally, his death after defeating Destroyah alongside his son. He had kept all these memories in his mind. They were the things that kept him sane after being turned into a cyborg. But now, they kept him from sleep. He removed his visor. Godzilla had never scene him without it. But maybe it was time to change that. Kiryu chuckled to himself.
"Maybe it's time I show him who I really am." He thought. It was decided. He didn't know when, but someday soon, he would tell Godzilla the truth.

Kiryu was not the only one having trouble sleeping. Muto's mind was racing about what Godzilla had said earlier. She didn't know how to think now. On one side, what Godzilla said about their species may have been true, but on the other side, she desperately wanted to save her species, and she knew that Hokmuto did too. She had been sleeping in a small tent for the past few months on the island, and with Hokmuto around now, it was a little bit cramped. They were practically elbow-to-elbow. She leaned over to look at his sleeping form and smiled. She truly loved him, but she could never tell him about her second thoughts. At least not now.

Just Outside of Earth's Orbit

Unknown to them, or anyone on Earth, a ship was approaching. It was about the same size as Ghidorah's ship, but it looked a little different. It was black and dark red, with several spikes on its two sets of wings. Inside, a caped figure looked out of a large display screen, showing a high-resolution image of Earth. The figure wore black, with white and bright blue skeletal armour, and his eyes were a bright glowing blue. This was X, or Kaiser Ghidorah. He chuckled while he stared at the image.
"At last." He said. His voice was low and slightly distorted. "Once we conquer this planet, we can begin our conquest of the galaxy."
Another voice chuckled behind him. X turned to face the dark red clad figure. He was also wearing a cape, with a helmet similar to Ghidorah's, but covering his entire face. His eyes glowed red, and he held his arms behind his back.
"Yes, brother, but you underestimate yourself, as well as me." Desghidorah said. "We will not conquer the galaxy. We will destroy it, and rebuild it in our image."
"Ah yes, of course." X said, nodding. "How soon now?"
"Soon enough." Desghidorah said. "I sense our brother Ghidorah on earth. Perhaps he can assist us."
"I didn't think of that." X said. He smirked under his mask.
"Perhaps we should use the mind control devices." Desghidorah suggested.
X grinned evilly. "I found four subjects who would be perfect." He pressed a button, and for images showed up on the screen. They were Anguirus, Ceaser, Zilla, and Battra. Desghidorah raised an eyebrow behind his helmet.
"I recognize him." He said, pointing to Battra. "I saw him somewhere, many years ago."
"It doesn't matter now." X said. He pressed another button, sending four glowing purple drones to Earth.
"How soon until the mind control takes effect?" Desghidorah asked.
"Probably by morning." X explained
"Good, so we have time." Desghidorah said. He turned and walked out of the room. "Come, brother. We have much to plan."
X nodded and followed him. By tomorrow, things would become interesting.

It was midnight now, and Muto still couldn't sleep. Godzilla's words raced through her mind. She needed to know exactly why her species couldn't survive. She needed a reason. A good reason. She got up and exited the tent, hoping Hokmuto didn't hear her. She walked through the darkness of the forest, making her eyes glow to illuminate her path. Finally, she reached Godzilla's hammock. He wasn't there.
"He must be awake too." She thought. "I wonder where he could be?"
She looked around, thinking of the places Godzilla could be. Finally, she saw the beach. She often saw him there. As she walked over, she saw his silhouette in front of the moon. She came up to him. He didn't notice.
"Can I sit here?" She asked. Godzilla turned to her, and nodded.
"Sure." He said. She sat next to him on the old log. It was the same place he had sat with Mothra only last night.
"Was something keeping you awake?" Godzilla asked.
"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about something." Muto responded. "You said that my species couldn't survive. What exactly did you mean by that?"
Godzilla sighed. "I don't blame you for wanting an explanation." He said. "I had to go through the same thing myself."
Muto nodded. She had forgotten that Godzilla was the last of his species as well. She chose not to bring it up. Godzilla continued.
"Either way, this is going to be hard to hear, but it's true, alright?" He asked. Muto nodded, still not looking at him.
"Alright." Godzilla said, nodding once. "Millions of years ago, your species and my species, had evolved to keep each other in check. The Earth has a natural order: there are predators and prey. My species were the predators..."
"And mine was the prey." Muto said.
"Exactly." Godzilla confirmed. "However, you and I, excluding Hokmuto, are the last of the two species, and have evolved as such that we're basically human. We have no need for the predator and prey relationship."
"I don't understand..." Muto said. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"A lot." Godzilla said. "Back when our species were feral, your species lived off of the massive amounts of radiation on Earth. Now that you have evolved, you need little to no radiation to survive. However, if there were more of your species out there, they would have to feed on the little radiation on Earth. As I said before, the Earth would take millions of years to adapt, and your species would not last that long. You'd probably only last a month."
"I see..." Muto said. She looked down, trying to process the information. "So in short, the little radiation on Earth wouldn't be able to sustain us."
Godzilla nodded. Muto continued. "So what should Hokmuto and I do?"
"Just live your life as normal people." Godzilla suggested. "Use your abilities for good. That's what I do. At least I try."
Muto sighed and smiled. Her smile had a twinge of sadness to it.
"Thank you for explaining it to me." Muto said. "I understand now. I'll tell Hokmuto."
"Also, if it helps," Godzilla continued. "I never wanted to kill either of you. If you two had listened to me, we could have found a peaceful alternative. I could have explained it like I just did. I'm...sorry."
Muto smiled a little bit more. "That means a lot. And..." She began. "I forgive you." She hugged Godzilla quickly, and got up, walking back to her tent. In the darkness, she did not see Hokmuto, leaning on a tree with his back facing her, listening to the whole conversation.

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