The Perfect Alliance

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Declan pov

The mighty kingdom of Lumiz. It is said to be the second most powerful in our current world. Second only to Aljabe, and it holds a higher population of citizens. The king has done his best to focus on trade and furthering civilization and that now means I as the crown prince must uphold that honor. It is my life's purpose, the reason I was bor-

"Declan stop daydreaming we must go." My attention snapped onto my sister. Her silk white ball gown was trailing behind her as she marched to the front door with a speed of anticipation.

"Don't you think it's deceiving to wear white, which signifies your purity, when we both know you're anything but a pure soul?" She huffed at my comment before whipping her neck around and glaring at me.

"What! Don't say such things! My purity is not to be joked about!" Her voice had reached an octave it gets too only when she was absolutely fuming.

"My apologies Marium. Shall we go?" I tried forcing the giggle that was surfacing in my throat to disappear before taking her hand and guiding her to the front door.

Slivers of light were already beginning to leak through the slowly furthering separation as servants forced the wooden gateway open. As the doors swung to welcome us into the outside world rays of yellow sunlight fell onto my face and purified air penetrated my lungs. I inhaled deeply before releasing a large breath and glancing at my sister. For all her confidence and excitement she looked absolutely terrified. Her small frame was trembling like a leaf next to me and she had a look of fear in her eyes.

"Don't be so afraid." I whispered. Even if I truly could not fix her situation or change it I wanted to offer at least some comfort to her pain. I wanted to help even if I could only give her a few words to battle her fear.

"How can I not be afraid when today my future husband will be decided?" Her voice was trembling. She glanced at me worriedly before looking down and staring at her feet. With a sigh I opened the door of the carriage and assisted her inside. I could already sense the journey was going to be soaked with her anxiety.

The small tremors of the carriage as it moved across the gravel road mimicked Mariums slowly surfacing anxiety and exactly as I predicted silence cursed the entire journey with its wretched presence. If Marium wasn't fiddling with her dress she would be biting her nails or making sure she looked like absolute perfection for our arrival. I would normally be annoyed because her nervousness was becoming infections but for today and today only I understood her pain and was attempting to be sympathetic.

Fields of flowers flew past us and as the colors created a harmonious blur of beauty that swirled through my eyes I knew we were coming near to the place I have come to despise with great passion. The scenery was painted in an array of colors that slightly eased my nerves but that feeling suddenly fled when the carriage had come to an abrupt stop.

Trumpets rang out to announce our arrival and I turned to look at Marium. Her green eyes were infused with an utter fear that sent a shiver up my spine. I truly wish I could grab her hand and run in the opposite direction of those gates but without her attendance she would be labeled a spinster and that would be considered a worse fate than death for a woman. I took a deep breath and ensured my breathing was at a suitable pace before opening the carriage door.

The velvet carpet that laid below me cushioned my every step but Marium looked as if she were in pure agony. Her steps were fragile and precise. As if the smallest gust of wind could cause her to fall and break into millions of pieces.

A loud ringing danced throughout my ears. I felt nothing besides annoyance and fear so it didn't hold much significance to me that the world around me could only be processed as static in my brain but when everything fell into complete silence and the golden palace gates shimmered in front of my eyes a bolt of realization shot throughout me.

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