Welcome to Aljabe

28 3 17

Declan pov

My room was enveloped in a deafening silence. Hours had passed since the reveal of my sister's engagement and the decision that I would be completely supportive of her had solidified into my head. Though the tightening feeling within my chest left me with the frustration of being unable to sleep.

I had tossed and turned upon my sheets in discomfort so many times I suspected they were permanently wrinkled. And resembling my tortured blankets, my sanity felt the same. The only method I had yet to try using as an attempt to combat my insomnia was alcohol. It was a normally effective method but like all good things there was a price to pay for the relief it gave. And although it stops my mind from running wild within my maze of thoughts, the side effects it leaves me with afterwards were less than wonderful.

With a sigh and small push of my body to leave my mattress I made the difficult decision of exiting my bedroom and venturing into the kitchen. My door creaked open and released a small cry at the disturbance, as I attempted to slip through a small crack I had created for my escape. Using the gentlest footsteps I could possibly muster I tiptoed down the hall, so I would be sure I couldn't be heard or accidently disturb anyone.

The corridor felt almost endless when forcing my body to move at slower speeds than that of a snail and it was becoming tiring trying to repeat my movements at only a microscopic pace. During my dance of feathered footsteps down the hallway I felt something graze against my back. My entire body froze as my heart dropped. The bone chilling feeling that swept my soul felt almost insignificant when I heard the breath of another pair of lungs separate from mine.

"Your highness? What are you doing awake at this hour?" My breath hitched at the words until the familiarity of the voice that uttered them was comprehended by my mind.

"Oh gods Andrew! You scared me!" My butler looked at me with a confused expression before releasing a chuckle.

"My apologies your majesty. Are you going for a night cap?" He questioned. I nodded my head in response. "May I assist you?" I gave him a soft smile before nodding once again in agreement to his assistance.

He accompanied me on the continuation of my journey to the kitchen until we entered the room. I was put onto a wooden stool and given the instructions of patiently waiting while he went to get the chosen alcohol that I desired. Within barely five minutes of my waiting Andrew entered the room with a patterned glass bottle filled to the seal with whiskey.

The clinking of glass and shuffling of feet were the only things that echoed throughout the palace walls until a glass cup was placed directly in front of me. The smooth scent of the liquid it contained penetrated the air. I breathed in deeply and released a long sigh. Which caused Andrew's eyes to shoot onto me while a look of concern flashed onto his face. I didn't have enough energy to assure him that I was okay at that moment so I chose to ignore his expression and allow the bitter drink to settle onto my tongue.

The world faded more with every sip I took. I felt my concerns and problems and feelings all slipping away and draining out of me. My eyes fluttered shut and the pounding feeling within my head and chest eased. I felt nothing but the heat of the air my nostrils forced out and the cold chill of running my bare fingertips along the edges of the cup that only held a circular block of ice within it.

I was unsure of how long I had remained sat on that stool while the only things that occupied my mind were the sensations a piece of glass had given to me and how it differed from the ones he left me with. I had traced the rim of my cup in complete silence for what could be no less than hours but the ray of sunlight that penetrated the kitchen window and shone directly into my eyes broke me out of whatever trance I was captured by. I slowly moved my eyes around the room in search of Andrew, who I realized was currently missing from where I last remembered seeing him, and I had come to the conclusion that the room was empty, not considering the cup and fantasies that had kept me company.

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